retold by A. W. Reed. Illustrated by Stewart Irwin. -- Muller, -- c1969. --


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多摩 書庫 児童洋図書 F/388/116/69 1200243570 Digital BookShelf
1975/10/11 可能(館内閲覧) 利用可   0


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資料詳細 閉じる

テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 388
個人著者標目 Reed, A. W.
姓名の完全形 (Alexander Wyclif),
生没年等 1908-
本タイトル Fairy tales from the Pacific islands,
著者名 retold by A. W. Reed. Illustrated by Stewart Irwin.
出版地・頒布地 London :
出版者・頒布者名 Muller,
出版年・頒布年 c1969.
数量 136 p.
他の形態的事項 illus.
大きさ 23 cm.
内容注記 The sky father and the earth mother -- The little people of Hawaii -- The goddess of the volcano -- The children who became stars -- The sandpiper and the crab -- How Maui brought fire to Tonga -- The woman who was swallowed by a whale -- The gift of the Eel God -- The sea monster -- The sea fairies -- Hinemoa and Tutanekai -- The giant bird -- The spirt-that-changes-people -- The foolish canoe paddlers -- Why the moon has a dirty face -- The wise brother and the foolish brother -- The snake and the cockatoo -- Six men who tried to catch a sunbeam -- Young spider in the sky -- The mouse who was hungry -- The first sail -- The boy who came from the sun egg.
一般件名 Fairy tales -- Oceania.
Tales -- Oceania.
資料情報1 『Fairy tales from the Pacific islands,』 retold by A. W. Reed. Illustrated by Stewart Irwin. Muller, c1969. (所蔵館:多摩  請求記号:F/388/116/69  資料コード:1200243570)