translations by Helen Waddell; woodcuts by Robert Gibbings. -- Constable, -- 1970. --


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多摩 書庫 児童洋図書 F/992/1/70 1200256158 Digital BookShelf
1976/02/28 可能(館内閲覧) 利用可   0


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資料詳細 閉じる

テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 992
個人著者標目 Waddell, Helen Jane,
生没年等 1889-
本タイトル Beasts and saints /
著者名 translations by Helen Waddell; woodcuts by Robert Gibbings.
出版地・頒布地 London :
出版者・頒布者名 Constable,
出版年・頒布年 1970.
数量 xx, 150 p. :
他の形態的事項 ill. ;
大きさ 20 cm.
一般注記 First pub. 1934.
内容注記 The hermit's garden in the desert -- The penitent wolf -- The blessed Ammon and the dragons -- St. Macarius of Alexandria and the grateful Hyaena -- St. Pachome, Abbot of Tabenne, and the crocodiles -- The Abbot Helenus and the crocodile -- The Abbot Helenus and the wild -- St. Simeon stylites and the converted dragon -- The unsociable lion -- The Abbot Gerasimus and the lion -- St. Jerome and the lion and the donkey -- The death of King Teudiric --St. Columba and the crane -- St. Columba and the white horse -- St. Columba in the Vosges --St. Malo and the sow -- St. Malo and the wren -- St. Cuthbert in the sheiling -- St. Cuthbert and the otters -- St. Cuthbert and the ravens of the Farnes -- St. Werburga of Chester and the wild geese -- St. Benno and the frog -- St. Godric at Finchale --St. Godric's garden and the wild deer -- St. Godric and the hare -- St. Godric and St. John the Baptist's Salmon -- St. Godric and the hunted stag -- St. Cuthbert's birds and Bartholomew, the hermit of Farne -- St. Ciaran and the nesting bird -- St. Ciaran and brother fox and brother badger -- St. Moling and the fox -- St. Brendan and the sea monsters -- St. Brendan and the sea-cat -- St. Brendan and the white birds -- St. Cainnic and the mice -- St. Cainnic and the sea-birds -- St. Ciannic and the stag -- St. Kevin and the cow -- St. Kevin and the wild boar -- St. Kevin and the rooks of Glendalough -- The mountains that are creatures of God -- St. Kevin and the blackbird -- St. Ciaran of Clonmacnoise and the stag -- St. Colman and the cock, the mouse, and the fly.
一般件名 Saints.
Animals, Legends and stories of.
資料情報1 『Beasts and saints /』 translations by Helen Waddell; woodcuts by Robert Gibbings. Constable, 1970. (所蔵館:多摩  請求記号:F/992/1/70  資料コード:1200256158)