adapted by Elek Benedek and Gyula Illyés ; illustrated by Gabriella Hajnal ; [translated by Caroline Bodóczky ... et al. ; tranlations were adapted by Gerard Gorman]. -- Corvina, -- 1990. --


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多摩 書庫 児童洋図書 F/994/B283/2 1200116970 Digital BookShelf
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ISBN 9631327809
テキストの言語 英語                  
原文の言語 ハンガリー語;マジャル語    
分類:NDC10版 993
個人著者標目 Benedek, Elek,
生没年等 1859-1929.
本タイトル The tree that reached the sky /
著者名 adapted by Elek Benedek and Gyula Illyés ; illustrated by Gabriella Hajnal ; [translated by Caroline Bodóczky ... et al. ; tranlations were adapted by Gerard Gorman].
出版地・頒布地 Budapest :
出版者・頒布者名 Corvina,
出版年・頒布年 1990.
数量 64 p. :
他の形態的事項 col. ill. ;
大きさ 29 cm.
内容注記 The princess of the western sun / by Elek Benedek ; translated by Judith Elliott -- Tom Thumb / by Elek Benedek ; translated by Judith Elliott -- The ugly prince and the beautiful princess / by Elek Benedek ; translated by Judith Elliott -- The tree that reached the sky / by Gyula Illyés ; translated by Caroline Bodóczky -- The old fisherman and his greedy wife / by Gyula Illyés ; translated by Caroline Bodóczky -- The shepherd who understood the language of animals / by Gyula Illyés ; translated by Caroline Bodóczky -- Three wishes / by Gyula Illyés ; translated by Gerard Gorman -- Peter and Violet / by Gyula Illyés ; translated by Caroline Bodóczky.
著者標目 Illyés, Gyula, 1902-
Hajnal, Gabriella, 1928-
シリーズ名・巻次 Hungarian folktales 
一般件名 Tales -- Hungary.
資料情報1 『The tree that reached the sky /』(Hungarian folktales) adapted by Elek Benedek and Gyula Illyés ; illustrated by Gabriella Hajnal ; [translated by Caroline Bodóczky ... et al. ; tranlations were adapted by Gerard Gorman]. Corvina, 1990. (所蔵館:多摩  請求記号:F/994/B283/2  資料コード:1200116970)