Tennessee Williams ; introduction by John Lahr ; edited, with an afterword, by John S. Bak. -- New Directions Book, -- 2009. --


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ISBN 0811217280 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN13桁 9780811217286 (pbk. : alk. paper)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 934.7
個人著者標目 Williams, Tennessee,
生没年等 1911-1983.
統一タイトル Essays.
本タイトル New selected essays :
タイトル関連情報 where I live /
著者名 Tennessee Williams ; introduction by John Lahr ; edited, with an afterword, by John S. Bak.
出版地・頒布地 New York :
出版者・頒布者名 New Directions Book,
出版年・頒布年 2009.
数量 xvi, 313 p. ;
大きさ 23 cm.
一般注記 Rev. and expanded ed. of: Where I live : selected essays. 1978.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references (p. [271]-292) and index.
内容注記 Essays. "Amor perdido" or How it feels to become a professional playwright ; Te morituri salutamus or An author's address to a first night audience ; Preface to my poems ; The history of a play (with parentheses) ; Notes to the reader ; The author tells why it is called The glass menagerie ; A playwright's statement on Dallas's Theatre '45 plans ; The catastrophe of success ; Chicago arrival ; Questions without answers ; "Something wild ..." ; Carson McCullers's Reflections in a golden eye ; A writer's quest for a Parnassus ; The timeless world of a play ; The meaning of The rose tattoo ; Facts about me ; Foreword to Camino Real ; Afterword to Camino Real ; Person-to-person ; Critic says "evasion," writer says "mystery" ; The past, the present, and the perhaps ; The world I live in ; Author and director : a delicate situation ; If the writing is honest ; Foreword to Sweet bird of youth ; The man in the overstuffed chair ; Reflections on a revival of a controversial fantasy ; Tennessee Williams presents his POV ; Prelude to a comedy ; Five fiery ladies ; Carson McCullers ; A summer of discovery ; The agent as catalyst ; T. Williams's view of T. Bankhead ; Grand ; Slapstick tragedy : a preface ; The wolf and I ; Happiness is relevant ; "Tennessee, never talk to an actress" ; We are dissenters now ; Too personal? ; Homage to Key West ; Let me hang it all out ; Where my head is now and other questions ; The blessings and mixed blessings of workshop productions ; I have rewritten a play for artistic purity ; I am widely regarded as the ghost of a writer ; The misunderstandings and fear of an artist's revolt -- Miscellany : reviews, introductions, appreciations, & program notes. A reply to Mr. Nathan ; An appreciation : the creator of The glass menagerie pays tribute to Laurette Tayor ; An appreciation of Hans Hofmann ; An allegory of man and his Sahara, a review ; A movie by Cocteau..., a review ; The human psyche--alone, a review ; Notes on the filming of The rose tattoo ; A tribute from Tennessee Williams to "heroic Tallulah Bankhead" ; On meeting a young writer ; Concerning Eugene O'Neill ; Tennessee Williams talks about his play In the bar of a Tokyo hotel ; Notes for The two character play ; To William Inge : an homage ; W.H. Auden : a few reminiscences ; Foreword to Jane Bowles's Feminine wiles ; Program note for The red devil battery sign ; Foreword to Dakin Williams's The bar bizarre ; Homage to J. -- Juvenilia and college papers. Can a good wife be a good sport? ; High school travel articles. A day at the Olympics ; The tomb of the Capuchins ; A flight over London ; A night in Venice ; A trip to Monte Carlo ; The ruins of Pompeii ; A tour of the battle-fields of France ; A festival night in Paris ; The Almalfi drive and Sorrento ; The first day out ; College papers. Candida ; Review of two plays by John M. Synge ; Some representative plays of O'Neill and a discussion of his art ; Is Fives ; Birth of an art (Anton Chekhov and the new theatre) ; Comments on the nature of artists with a few specific references to the case of Edgar Allan Poe.
著者標目 Williams, Tennessee, 1911-1983.
Bak, John S.
著作のタイトル Where I live.
シリーズ名・巻次 New Directions paperbook ; 1143
一般件名 Essays.
資料情報1 『New selected essays : where I live /』(New Directions paperbook ; 1143) Tennessee Williams ; introduction by John Lahr ; edited, with an afterword, by John S. Bak. New Directions Book, 2009. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/934.7/W72/N  資料コード:5018273070)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1348015247