edited by George Klosko. -- Oxford University Press, -- 2011. --


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ISBN 0199238804 (hbk.)
ISBN13桁 9780199238804 (hbk.)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 311.1
本タイトル The Oxford handbook of the history of political philosophy /
著者名 edited by George Klosko.
その他のタイトル History of political philosophy
出版地・頒布地 Oxford ;
出版者・頒布者名 Oxford University Press,
出版年・頒布年 2011.
数量 xiv, 840 p. ;
大きさ 26 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references and index.
内容注記 The contextual approach / Mark Bevir -- The Straussian approach / Catherine Zuckert -- Postmodern approaches to the history of political thought / Joshua Foa Dienstag -- The value of the history of political philosophy / Terence Ball -- History of political philosophy as a discipline / John Gunnell -- The origins of political philosophy / Danielle Allen -- Classical political philosophy : Plato and Aristotle / Daniel Devereux -- Hellenistic political theory / Phillip Mitsis -- Early Christian political philosophy / Sophie Lunn-Rockliffe -- The influence of Roman law / Donald Kelley -- Arabic contributions to medieval political theory / Charles E. Butterworth -- Medieval political theory c.1000-1500 / Janet Coleman -- Renaissance political philosophy / Mikael Hörnqvist -- Political thought in the age of the Reformation / Michael Baylor -- The school of Salamanca / Anthony Pagden -- The early modern foundations of classic liberalism / Jeffrey Collins -- Absolutism / Mark Goldie -- Enlightenment political philosophy / Richard Whatmore -- The Scottish Enlightenment / Neil McArthur -- Early nineteenth-century liberalism / Jeremy Jennings -- German idealism / Paul Redding -- Early European socialism / Jonathan Beecher -- The Marxian tradition / Terrell Carver -- Nineteenth- and twentieth-century liberalism / David Weinstein -- Political philosophy and the idea of a social science / Peter Lassman -- Contemporary Anglo-American political philosophy / George Klosko -- Contemporary continental political thought / Stephen K. White -- Political philosophy in a globalizing world / Terry Nardin -- Democracy / Mark E. Warren -- Rights / Kenneth Pennington -- The state / Christopher W. Morris -- Sovereignty / Daniel Philpott -- The social contract (contract of government) / Johann Sommerville -- Citizenship / Richard Bellamy -- Property / David Schmidtz -- Equality / Jonathan Wolff -- Freedom / Raymond Plant -- Domination and slavery / Bernard R. Boxill -- Imperialism / Krishan Kumar -- The idea of the welfare state / Donald Moon -- Libertarianism / Eric Mack -- Religious toleration / Perez Zagorin -- Republicanism / Richard Dagger -- Political obligation / George Klosko -- Anarchism / Marshall Shatz -- Feminism / Nancy J. Hirschmann -- Animal rights and political theory / Julian Franklin -- Confucian political philosophy / David Wong -- The Muslim tradition of political philosophy / Shahrough Akhavi -- Hindu political philosophy / Dennis Dalton.
著者標目 Klosko, George.
統一タイトル(シリーズ副出標目) Oxford handbooks in philosophy.
シリーズ名・巻次 Oxford handbooks in philosophy 
一般件名 Political science -- History.
資料情報1 『The Oxford handbook of the history of political philosophy /』(Oxford handbooks in philosophy) edited by George Klosko. Oxford University Press, 2011. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/311.1/O98/O  資料コード:7100437438)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1348440278