selected by Naomi Shihab Nye. -- Greenwillow Books, -- c2010. -- 1st ed.


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ISBN 0061896373
ISBN13桁 9780061896378
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 931.7
本タイトル Time you let me in :
タイトル関連情報 25 poets under 25 /
著者名 selected by Naomi Shihab Nye.
版表示 1st ed.
出版地・頒布地 New York :
出版者・頒布者名 Greenwillow Books,
出版年・頒布年 c2010.
数量 xix, 236 p. ;
大きさ 22 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references (p. 231) and indexes.
内容注記 What is confidence? / Alexis D. Pepper-Smith -- Introduction / Naomi Shihab Nye -- Photons; Experiments in fire; Overlapping; Membership / Nicole Guenther -- Question; Your father is not with us any longer son; Do you think; Shrunk / Chase Berggrun -- Where I live; Borderlands, Texas; Throne; Death & taxes / Lauren Espinoza -- Window seat 6A; Burkina faso; Invitation; Suggestion / Mackenzie Connellee -- For my Mom; Plain stories: chronology of a cotton farmer; Christmas; Pupil / Brianne Carpenter -- Shooting range on Mother's Day; Through the barn doors; Paynes prairie; Lesson on fire / Catherine Bates -- Fourth or fifth love; Beside a broken-down bus on an overpass outside Philadelphia; My mother decides to seek candidacy as a Methodist minister; Growing up in woods / Mary Selph -- Indexer in love; Many secrets of T. S. Eliot; Ode to Isabella's hair; Last words / Gray Emerson -- Larry's produce; Fluency; Other renaissance; Rootless / Michelle Brittan -- Tortillas; Torch; Run; Henry the horse / Henry Mills -- First Halloween; Yogurt; Aragon; Recent poem / Emily Hendren -- Evolution of a writer; Macaroni love; Rain, snow, and other weather; You should stop sending / Lauren Stacks -- Belle Union, Indiana; On Sunday mornings; As far back as I can remember; Frostbite / Jonah Ogles -- Poem for my name; Kitchen witness; To answer your questions, reportback Beirut; Prayer for a soldier back from Baghdad / Emma Shaw Crane -- La Belle Dame Sans Merci; My mother and merlot: an un-still life; Color November: title; Sweat lodge prayer / Lauren Eriks -- Game of table tennis, in remembrance; Veteran's Day; "Madness"; When they came to re-tar the streets / Jocelyn Stott -- Still growing; What it is; Maple hands in a Wisconsin November, age 10; Something to balance / Anna West -- Songs of war; To be two; Summer aches; Listen with care / Amal Khan -- Living with a bodhisattva cat is intimidating; To my lover, who tells me he is old; My summer with the norseman; Severe / Margaret Bashaar -- Upon arrival; Comfort poem; Falling man (and every person who jumped from the twin towers as they fell to the ground); I hear Quran / Tala Abu Rahmeh -- Thanksgiving wishes for my grandfather; To my grandfather, a year later; To my rapist, after a tour of the lower ninth ward of New Orleans; Happiest moment of my life was when I realized I was happy / Kayla Sargeson -- There are ghosts; Groom's man; Looking at her canvases; Finding our flag / Ben Westlie -- Foundling; Sidewalk chalk; Ode to poetry; Dying man on a hospital bed / Matthew Baker -- Even before you; Turning seven in the pediatrics unit; Giving tree; Dead woman left her signature in the front of my book, or what I have left / Allison Rivers -- Double elegy; Leaving; Nothing; Egyptians / Laura Lee Beasley -- Sacrament; Noticing the lesion; On the question of what drives coronary circulation, biology class, Morgan High School, 1999; To know the difference / Mario Chard -- Notes on the contributors.
要約、抄録、注釈等 A collection of poems from 25 poets.
対象者 013-017.
著者標目 Nye, Naomi Shihab.
一般件名 Children's poetry, American.
American poetry.
資料情報1 『Time you let me in : 25 poets under 25 /』1st ed. selected by Naomi Shihab Nye. Greenwillow Books, c2010. (所蔵館:多摩  請求記号:F/931/103/2010  資料コード:7100098932)