edited by L. Horne -- Woodhead Pub Ltd, -- c2012. --


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中央 書庫 一般洋図書 F/586.0/N53/N2 7100944233 Digital BookShelf
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ISBN 1845695380
ISBN13桁 9781845695385
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 586.09
本タイトル New product development in textiles :
タイトル関連情報 innovation and production /
著者名 edited by L. Horne
出版地・頒布地 Oxford :
出版者・頒布者名 Woodhead Pub Ltd,
出版年・頒布年 c2012.
数量 xviii, 203 p. :
他の形態的事項 ill. ;
大きさ 24 cm.
一般注記 "The Textile Institute."
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references and index.
内容注記 Innovation and new product development in textiles / S. Frumkin, S. Bradley and M. Weiss -- Practical aspects of innovation in the textile industry / S. Frumkin, S. Bradley and M. Weiss -- Textile product development and definition / M. Starbuck -- New product development in knitted textiles / S. Evans-Mikellis -- Fabrics and new product development / S. Frumkin and M. Weiss -- New product development in automotive upholstery / J.M. Eason -- Nanotechnology innovarion for future development in the textile industry / F. Noor-Evans, N. Stingelin -- New product developmen in interior textiles / A. Büsgen -- New product development for e-textiles : experiences from the forefront of a new industry / P. Wilson -- Customer co-creation : moving beyond market research to reducde the risk in new product development / F.T. Piller and E. Lindgens -- The development and marketing of SilverClear / L. Horne, and B. Rose.
要約、抄録、注釈等 An increasingly important feature for the technical textile industry is to produce textiles faster and to achieve more effective new product development. This book will not only provide a fascinating overview of how products are launched, but will also be a source of practical guidance for developing textile products successfully. The collection begins with some background information that introduces the reader to the principles of innovation. The remainder of the book provides a collection of international case studies from across the textile industry. Chapters will describe actual new product development projects, identifying the problems that were faced and lessons that can be learnt. Topics range from technical textiles to end uses of textiles, such as the automotive and packaging industries.
著者標目 Horne, L.,
統一タイトル(シリーズ副出標目) Woodhead publishing in textiles ;
シリーズの巻次 no. 105.
シリーズ名・巻次 Woodhead publishing series in textiles ; no. 105
一般件名 Textile industry -- Technological innovations.
New products.
資料情報1 『New product development in textiles : innovation and production /』(Woodhead publishing series in textiles ; no. 105) edited by L. Horne Woodhead Pub Ltd, c2012. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/586.0/N53/N2  資料コード:7100944233)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352002590