edited by Julian Burling, Kevin Lazarus. -- Edward Elgar, -- c2011. --


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ISBN 1849807884 (hbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN13桁 9781849807883 (hbk. : alk. paper)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 329.85
本タイトル Research handbook on international insurance law and regulation /
著者名 edited by Julian Burling, Kevin Lazarus.
出版地・頒布地 Cheltenham, UK :
出版者・頒布者名 Edward Elgar,
出版年・頒布年 c2011.
数量 lxvi, 815 p. :
他の形態的事項 ill. ;
大きさ 25 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references and index.
内容注記 An introduction to insurance contract law / Malcolm Clarke -- Methodology : applying economics to insurance law : an introduction / Lloyd R. Cohen and Michelle E. Boardman -- Definition : different common law and civil law approaches to the definition of insurance / Kyriaki Noussia -- Pre-contractual information duties : the insured's pre-contractual duty of disclosure : convergence across the jurisdictional divide / John Lowry -- Contract terms : judicial approaches to the interpretation of insurance contracts / Oliver Brand -- Claims : an overview of the US tort of 'bad faith' : a common law approach to regulating insurer claims handling and settlements / Suzanne Midlige, Robert Re and William Hoffman -- Reinsurance : finding the balance between reinsurers' and reinsureds' interests / Rob Merkin and Michael Mendelowitz -- Closing books of business : the challenge of fairness and finality / David Whear and Bob Haken -- Choice of law : New York and English approaches to insurance and reinsurance contracts / Raymond Cox -- An introduction to insurance regulations / Peter Kochenburger and Patrick Salve -- History : a history of insurance regulation in the UK / Robin Ford -- International organisations : their role and interconnectivity in insurance regulation / Louise Steinberg -- Transnational supervisory recognition : a macro-jurisdictional overview / Hermann Geiger -- Principles-based insurance regulation : lessons to be learned from a comparison of the EU and German law of risk management / Petra Pohlmann -- Conduct of business regulation : a survey of the UK regime and a comparison with the US, German and Hong Kong approach / James Smethurst ... [et al.] -- Enforcement : a survey of three approaches to insurance regulatory enforcement : the USA, the UK and Sweden / Aviva Abramovsky ... [et al.] -- Lloyd's : its authorisation in the United Kingdom and overseas / Julian Burling -- Lloyd's : the development of performance management / Kevin Lazarus -- Microinsurance : the value proposition at the base of the pyramid / Arup Chatterjee -- Takaful insurance : squaring the insurance circle in Islamic law / Mark Hoyle -- Alternative risk transfer : risk transfer solutions at the margins of insurability : the legal and regulatory challenges / Patrick Salve and Douglas Simpson -- E-commerce : the regulation of insurance in the Age of the Internet / Anne Flanagan -- Europe : towards a harmonised European insurance contract law : the PEICL / Helmut Heiss, Malcolm Clarke, and Mandeep Lakhan -- Europe : the architecture and content of EU insurance regulation / Robert Purves -- USA : a regulatory overview of the world's largest insurance market / John Mulhern, Parimah Hassouri, and Daren Moreira -- Singapore : maintaining a law and regulation for a modern trading state / Hwee-Ying Yeo -- Brazil : the transition of law and regulation from state control to market freedom / Ilan Goldberg -- China : developments in insurance law and regulation in the People's Republic / Wenhao Han -- Japan : the insurance concept in the Insurance Act and the Insurance Business Act / Seiichi Ochiai, Shinichi Takahashi, and Ryoko Takeda -- South Africa : insurance law and regulation in the Rainbow Nation / Birgit Kuschke.
著者標目 Burling, Julian M.
Lazarus, Kevin.
統一タイトル(シリーズ副出標目) Research handbooks in financial law.
シリーズ名・巻次 Research handbooks in financial law 
一般件名 Insurance law.
資料情報1 『Research handbook on international insurance law and regulation /』(Research handbooks in financial law) edited by Julian Burling, Kevin Lazarus. Edward Elgar, c2011. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/329.8/R43/R  資料コード:7101178555)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352003777