David Grossman ; translated from the Hebrew by Jessica Cohen. -- Alfred A. Knopf, -- 2014. -- 1st U.S. ed.


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ISBN 0385350139 (hbk.)
ISBN13桁 9780385350136 (hbk.)
テキストの言語 英語                  
原文の言語 ヘブライ語    
分類:NDC10版 929.73
個人著者標目 Grossman, David.
統一タイトル Nofel mi-ḥuts la-zeman.
本タイトル Falling out of time /
著者名 David Grossman ; translated from the Hebrew by Jessica Cohen.
版表示 1st U.S. ed.
出版地・頒布地 New York :
出版者・頒布者名 Alfred A. Knopf,
出版年・頒布年 2014.
数量 193 p. ;
大きさ 20 cm
一般注記 Translation of: Nofel mi'ḥutz la'zman.
要約、抄録、注釈等 In this book, the Israeli author has created a genre-defying drama, part play, part prose, pure poetry, to tell the story of bereaved parents setting out to reach their lost children. It begins in a small village in Israel, where a man announces to his wife that he is leaving, embarking on a journey in to an undefined place where he hopes to find and to speak to their dead son. The man, called simply Walking Man, paces in ever-widening circles around the town. One after another, all manner of townsfolk fall into step with him (the Net-Mender, the Midwife, the Elderly Math Teacher, even the Duke), each enduring his or her own loss. The walkers raise questions of grief and bereavement: Can death be overcome by an intensity of speech or memory? Is it possible, even for a fleeting moment, to call to the dead and free them from their death? The answer to such questions is a hymn to these characters, who ultimately find solace and hope in their communal act of breaching death's hermetic separateness.,Announcing I have to go, a grief-stricken Israeli villager takes leave of his bewildered wife, embarking on a journey to there -- an impossibly undefined place where he hopes to find and to speak with his dead son. As he sets out walking, in ever-widening circles around his village, the Walking Man becomes a Pied Piper of Bereavement.
著者標目 Cohen, Jessica,
一般件名 Bereavement -- Fiction.
Death -- Fiction.
資料情報1 『Falling out of time /』1st U.S. ed. David Grossman ; translated from the Hebrew by Jessica Cohen. Alfred A. Knopf, 2014. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/929.7/G87/F  資料コード:7105588838)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352014463