Richard Marsden. -- Cambridge University Press, -- 2015. -- 2nd ed.


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ISBN 1107641314 (paperback)
ISBN13桁 9781107641310 (paperback)
テキストの言語 英語  古英語                
分類:NDC10版 830.23
個人著者標目 Marsden, Richard.
本タイトル The Cambridge Old English reader /
著者名 Richard Marsden.
版表示 2nd ed.
出版地・頒布地 Cambridge :
出版者・頒布者名 Cambridge University Press,
出版年・頒布年 2015.
数量 xxvii, 585 p. ;
大きさ 23 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references and index.
内容注記 Preface to the second edition -- Preface to the first edition -- List of abbreviations -- Introduction -- Beginning Old English -- 1. Getting started -- 2. Practice sentences -- 3. Practice texts -- 4. Keys to test sentences and texts -- 5. Beginning poetry -- The Texts: Part I. Teaching and Learning: 1. In the Schoolroom (from Ælfric's Colloquy) -- 2. A Personal Miscellany (from Ælfwine's Prayerbook) -- 3. Medicinal Remedies (from Bald's Leechbook) -- 4. Learning Latin (from Ælfric's Excerptiones de arte grammatica anglice) -- 5. A New Beginning (Alfred's 'preface' to his translation of Gregory's Cura pastoralis) -- 6. The Wagonwheel of Fate (from Alfred's translation of Boethius's De consolatione Philosophiae) -- Part II. Keeping a Record: 7. Laws of the Anglo-Saxon Kings -- 8. England under Attack (from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: annals for 981-93, 995-8 and 1002-3) -- 9. Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People -- 10. The Battle of Brunanburh -- 11. The Will of Ælfgifu -- 12. The Fonthill Letter -- Part III. Spreading the Word: 13. After the Flood (from the Old English Hexateuch: Gen 8.6-18 and 9.8-13) -- 14. The Crucifixion (from the Old English Gospels: Mt 27.11-54) -- 15. King Alfred's Psalms -- 16. A Translator's Problems ('lfric's preface to his translation of Genesis) -- 17. Satan's Challenge (Genesis B, lines 338-441) -- 18. The Drowning of Pharaoh's Army (Exodus, lines 447-564) -- 19. Judith -- Part IV. Example and Exhortation: 20. Bede's Death Song -- 21. Two Holy Women -- 22. A Homily for Easter Sunday (from 'lfric's Sermones catholicae) -- 23. The Dream of the Rood -- 24. On False Gods (Wulfstan's De falsis deis) -- 25. The Sermon of the Wolf (Wulfstan's Sermo Lupi) -- 26. The Seafarer -- Part V. Telling Tales: 27. Falling in Love (from Apollonius of Tyre) -- 28. The Trees of the Sun and the Moon (from The Letter of Alexander) -- 29. Cynewulf and Cyneheard (from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: annal for 755) -- 30. The Battle of Maldon -- 31. Beowulf -- 32. The Fight at Finnsburh -- Part VI. Reflection and Lament: 33. Truth is Trickiest (Maxims II) -- 34. The Durham Proverbs -- 35. Five Anglo-Saxon riddles -- 36. Deor -- 37. The Ruin -- 38. The Wanderer -- 39. Wulf and Eadwacer -- 40. The Wife's Lament -- Manuscripts and textual emendations -- The writing and pronunciation of Old English -- Reference grammar of Old English -- Glossary -- Guide to terms -- Index.
要約、抄録、注釈等 "This reader remains the only major new reader of Old English prose and verse in the past forty years. The second edition has been extensively revised, with the new section, Beginning Old English, for newcomers to Old English, along with a new extract from Beowulf. The 57 individual texts include favourites such as The Battle of Maldon and Sermon of the Wolf, and others not readily available, like an extract from Apollonius of Tyre. There are Modern English glosses for every prose-passage and poem and extensive notes. A succinct reference grammar is appended, along with a guide to pronunciation and grammatical terminology. The glossary lists and analyses all Old English words that occur in the book. Headnotes to each of the six text sections, and to every individual text, establish their literary and historical contexts, illustrating the rich cultural variety of Anglo-Saxon England. This second edition is an accessible and scholarly introduction to Old English"--,"The period of English history which we now call 'Anglo-Saxon' lasted from the mid-fifth century until until the end of the eleventh, when the Normans arrived. Most surviving Anglo-Saxon manuscripts date from the latter part of this period and the many of them are in Latin, but England was unique in early medieval Europe in having a thriving vernacular literature also. This was written in what we now call 'Old English' (OE), to distinguish it from the 'Middle English' stage of the evolving language, which culminated in the works of Chaucer and Malory. The fifty-seven reading texts which make up the major part of this book have been chosen to illustrate the range and variety of OE literature"--
言語注記 Text in English and Old English.
一般件名 English language -- Old English, ca. 450-1100 -- Readers.
Anglo-Saxons -- Literary collections.
資料情報1 『The Cambridge Old English reader /』2nd ed. Richard Marsden. Cambridge University Press, 2015. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/830.2/M36/C  資料コード:7105843510)