edited by Biliana Cicin-Sain, David L. VanderZwaag, and Miriam C. Balgos. -- Routledge, -- 2015. --


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中央 1F法律 一般洋図書 F/329.2/R86/R 7106224131 配架図 Digital BookShelf
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ISBN 1138788295 (hbk)
ISBN13桁 9781138788299 (hbk)
無効なISBN等 9781315765648 (ebk)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 329.269
本タイトル Routledge handbook of national and regional ocean policies /
著者名 edited by Biliana Cicin-Sain, David L. VanderZwaag, and Miriam C. Balgos.
その他のタイトル Handbook of national and regional ocean policies
出版地・頒布地 Abingdon, Oxon ;
出版者・頒布者名 Routledge,
出版年・頒布年 2015.
数量 xli, 640 p. :
他の形態的事項 ill. ;
大きさ 26 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references and index.
内容注記 A comparative analysis of ocean policies in fifteen nations and four world regions / Miriam C. Balgos, Biliana Cicin-Sain, and David L.VanderZwaag -- International agreements and providing guidance for national and regional ocean policies / Jon M. Van Dyke and Sherry Broder -- Ocean policy : a Canadian case study / Camille Mageau, David L. VanderZwaag, Ken Huffman and Sue Farlinger -- Australia's national oceans policy / Donna Petrachenko and Ben Addison -- The marine policy of the Russian Federation : its formation and realization / Yuriy Mikhaylichenko and Valentin P. Sinetsky -- Strategy for marine environment conservation and development in the United Kingdom / Hance D. Smith, Iwan Ball, Rhoda C Ballinger, Tim Stojanovic and Tara Thrupp -- Brazil's national ocean policy / Milton L. Asmus, Etiene Villela Marroni and Guilherme G. Vieira -- Jamaica's oceans and coastal policy / Laleta Davis-Mattis and Peter Edwards -- Development of national ocean policy in Japan / Hiroshi Terashima and Moritaka Hayashi -- Development of a national ocean policy in Mexico / Porfirio Alvarez Torres ... [et al.] -- Development of a national ocean policy in the United States / Biliana Cicin-Sain, Gerhard Kuska, K. Caitlin Snyder and Kateryna Wowk -- Towards an integrated policy for the ocean in Portugal / Mário Ruivo, Tiago Pitta e Cunha, Márcia Marques and Raquel Ribeiro -- Toward a national ocean policy in New Zealand / Prue Taylor -- Norway's marine policy : towards comprehensive oceans management / Alf Håkon Hoel and Terje Lobach -- The Philippine national marine policy / Jay L. Batongbacal -- National marine policy : a Vietnamese case study / Nguyen Chu Hoi and Hoang Ngoc Giao -- A case study on India's policy and legal regimes on ocean governance / Tony George Puthucherril -- The integrated maritime policy of the European Union / Sylvain Gambert -- The Pacific islands regional ocean policy and the framework for a Pacific oceanscape : 'many islands - one ocean' / Mary Power and Anama Solofa -- The sustainable development strategy for the seas of East Asia : policy implications at local, national and regional Levels / Stella Regina Bernad and Chua Thia-Eng -- Ocean and coastal policy processes in sub-Saharan Africa : issues, opportunities, and strategic options / Leopord Maraboli and Magnus Ngoile.
要約、抄録、注釈等 "This comprehensive handbook, prepared by leading ocean policy academics and practitioners from around the world, presents in-depth analyses of the experiences of 16 developed and developing nations and four key regions of the world that have taken concrete steps toward cross-cutting and integrated national and regional ocean policy. All chapters follow a common framework for policy analysis. It is shown that while most coastal nations of the world already have a variety of sectoral policies in place to manage different uses of the ocean (such as shipping, fishing, and oil and gas development), it has only been in the last two decades that coastal nations have undertaken concerted efforts to articulate and implement an integrated vision for the governance of ocean areas under their jurisdiction. This includes goals to harmonize existing uses and laws, to foster sustainable development of ocean areas, to protect biodiversity and vulnerable resources and ecosystems, and to coordinate the actions of the many government agencies that are typically involved in oceans affairs. The book highlights the serious conflicts of use in most national ocean zones and the prescriptions articulated in both the Law of the Sea and in the Earth Summit. These are shown to be linked by the interrelationship among uses and processes in the coast and ocean, such that ocean and coastal governance must be integrated, precautionary and anticipatory. Overall, the book provides a definitive state-of-the-art review and analysis of national and regional ocean policies around the world. "--,"This comprehensive handbook, prepared by leading ocean policy academics and practitioners from around the world, presents in-depth analyses of the experiences of 16 developed and developing nations and four key regions of the world that have taken concrete steps toward cross-cutting and integrated national and regional ocean policy"--
著者標目 Cicin-Sain, Biliana.
VanderZwaag, David L.
Balgos, M. C. (Miriam C.),
統一タイトル(シリーズ副出標目) Routledge handbooks.
シリーズ名・巻次 Routledge handbooks 
一般件名 Ocean -- Government policy -- Case studies.
Oceanography and state -- Case studies.
資料情報1 『Routledge handbook of national and regional ocean policies /』(Routledge handbooks) edited by Biliana Cicin-Sain, David L. VanderZwaag, and Miriam C. Balgos. Routledge, 2015. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/329.2/R86/R  資料コード:7106224131)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352015981