edited by James W. Fraser. -- Routledge, -- 2014. -- 3rd ed.


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ISBN 0415832470 (pbk)
ISBN13桁 9780415832472 (pbk)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 372.53
本タイトル The school in the United States :
タイトル関連情報 a documentary history /
著者名 edited by James W. Fraser.
版表示 3rd ed.
出版地・頒布地 New York :
出版者・頒布者名 Routledge,
出版年・頒布年 2014.
数量 xii, 410 p. :
他の形態的事項 ill. ;
大きさ 26 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references (p. 391-398) and index.
内容注記 1. The school in Colonial America, 1620-1770. Introduction ; Virginia Council [London], Instructions to Sir Thomas Gates, Knight, Governor of Virginia ; Virginia Statutes on the education of Indian children held hostage, from the Virginia Statutes at Large, 1656 ; South Carolina Statute on conversion of slaves to christianity, Digest of the Public Statute Law of South Carolina, 1711 ; A missionary report from Mr. Taylor to the society in North Carolina on the baptism of slaves, April 23, 1719 ; Virginia's cure, or an advisive narrative concerning Virginia, London, 1662 ; Sir William Berkeley, Governor of Virginia, response to "Enquiries to the Governor of Virginia," from the Lords' Commissioners of Foreign Plantations, 1671 ; Massachusetts' Old Deluder Satan Law, 1647 ; Benjamin Franklin, Autobiography 1714-1718 ; The New England Primer, 1768 -- 2. The American Revolution and schools for the New Republic, 1770-1820. Introduction ; Thomas Jefferson, A bill for the more general diffusion of knowledge, 1779 ; Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, 1783 ; Benjamin Rush, Thoughts upon female education, 1787 ; Noah Webster, On the education of youth in America, Boston, 1790 ; Noah Webster, The American spelling book, 1783 ; United States Congress, The Northwest Ordinance, July 13,1787 ; United States Congress, Civilization Fund Act, March 3, 1819 -- 3. The Common School Movement, 1820-1860. Introduction ; Horace Mann, Tenth and twelfth annual reports to the Massachusetts Board of Education, 1846 and 1848 ; Catharine E. Beecher, An essay on the education of female teachers for the United States, 1835 ; The Common School Journal, Debate over plan to abolish the Board of Education, 1840 ; Petition of the Catholics of New York for a portion of the Common School Fund : To the Honorable Board of Aldermen of the City of New York, 1840 ; The desegregation of the Boston Public Schools, 1846-1855 -- 4. Schooling moves west, 1835-1860. Introduction ; Selections from McGuffey's sixth eclectic reader, 1836 (with many subsequent editions) ; Calvin E. Stowe, Report on elementary public instruction in Europe, 1837 ; Board of National Popular Education, Correspondence, 1849-1850 ; Mary Augusta Roper, Letters from Mill Point, Michigan, 1852-1854 ; The speech of Red Jacket, the Seneca Chief, to a missionary, circa 1805 -- 5. Slavery, reconstruction, and the schools of the South, 1820-1937. Introduction ; Frederick Douglass, The narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass : an American slave, 1845 ; The New England Freedmen's Aid Society - Official records, 1862-1872 ; The New England Freedmen's Aid Society - Correspondence, 1865-1874 ; Charlotte Forten, The journal of Charlotte Forten, 1862 ; Booker T. Washington, The future of the American Negro, 1899 ; W.E.B. DuBois, The souls of Black folk, 1903 ; Marcus Garvey, Lessons from the school of African philosophy : the new way to education, 1937 -- 6. The emergence of the high school, 1821-1959. Introduction ; National Educational Association, Report of the Committee on Secondary School Studies, 1893 ; G. Stanley Hall, Adolescence, 1904 ; John Dewey, "A policy of industrial education," 1914 ; David Snedden, "Vocational education," 1915 ; John Dewey, "Education vs. trade-training - Dr. Dewey's reply," 1915 ; National Education Association, Cardinal principles of secondary education, 1918 ; James Bryant Conant, The American high school today, 1959 -- 7. Growth and diversity in schools and students, 1880-1960. Introduction ; Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, 1884 ; Mary Antin, The promised land, 1912 ; Lewis Meriam, The problem of Indian administration, 1928 ; The Asian experience in California, 1919-1920 ; Beatrice Griffith, American me, 1948 ; Teaching children of Puerto Rican background in the New York City schools, 1954 -- 5058 8. The Progressive Era, 1890-1950. Introduction ; James Jackson Storrow, Son of New England, 1932 ; Margaret Haley, Why teachers should organize, 1904 ; Ella Flagg Young, Isolation in the school, 1901 ; Grace C. Strachan, Equal pay for equal work, 1910 ; Cora Bigelow, World democracy and school democracy, 1918 ; John Dewey, The school and society, 1899 ; Lewis M. Terman, National intelligence tests, 1919 ; George S. Counts, Dare the school build a new social order? 1932 ; The social frontier, 1934 -- 9. Schools in the Cold War Era, 1950-1970. Introduction ; F. James Rutherford, Sputnik and science education, reflections on 1957 ; National Defense Education Act, 1958 ; The Scott, Foresman readers, 1955 ; H.G. Rickover, Education for all children : what we can learn from England, 1962 ; Herbert Kohl, Thirty-six children, 1967 ; John Holt, How children fail, 1964 -- 10. Civil rights, integration, and-school reform, 1954-1980. Introduction ; Septima Clark, Ready from within, ca. 1950 ; Supreme Court of the United States, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, 1954 ; Kenneth B. Clark, "How children learn about race," 1950 ; Daisy Bates, The long shadow of Little Rock, reflections on 1957 ; NAACP Boston Branch, Statement to the Boston School Committee, June 11,1963 ; Jonathan Kozol, Death at an early age, 1967 -- 11. Rights and opportunities in American education, 1965-1980. Introduction ; Supreme Court of the United States, Engel v. Vitale, 1962 ; The Elementary and Secondary Education Act and the Great Society, 1965 ; Supreme Court of the United States, Tinker, et al. v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, 1969 ; Title IX, The Education Amendments of 1972 ; Supreme Court of the United States, Lau, et al. v. Nichols, et al., 1974 ; Public Law 94-142, Education for All Handicapped Children Act, 1975 ; Dillon Platero, The Rough Rock Demonstration School, Navajo Nation, 1970 -- 12. Reform efforts of the 1980s and 1990s. Introduction ; National Commission on Excellence in Education, A nation at risk : the imperative for educational reform, 1983 ; Ann Bastian, et al., Choosing equality : the case for democratic schooling, 1985 ; Sonia Nieto, Affirming diversity : the sociopolitical context of multicultural education, 1992 ; Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The disuniting of America, 1991 ; David C. Berliner and Bruce J. Biddle, The manufactured crisis, 1995 -- 13. From No Child Left Behind to the common core, 2001-2014. Introduction ; U.S. Department of Education, Executive Summary of the No Child Left Behind Act, 2002 ; Frederick M. Hess and Chester E. Finn, Jr., Leaving No Child Behind?, 2004 ; Alfie Kohn, NCLB and the effort to privatize public education, 2004 ; Linda Darling-Hammond, "From 'Separate but Equal' to 'No Child Left Behind' : the collision of new standards and old inequalities," 2004 ; Terry M. Moe, "Politics, control, and the future of school accountability," 2003 ; Arthur Levine, Digital students, industrial-era universities, 2010 ; The Hunt Institute, The Common Core State Standards, 2012 ; Randi Weingarten, "Common Core : do what it takes before high stakes, 2013 ; Josh Eidelson and Sarah Jaffe, "Defending public education : an interview with Karen Lewis of the Chicago Teachers Union," Dissent, Summer 2013.
要約、抄録、注釈等 "The School in the United States collects the essential primary documents of the history of education in the United States. Expertly chosen by historian and education scholar James Fraser, these documents walk students through two centuries of U.S. education from Colonial America through present-day reform efforts.Each chapter begins with an introduction that places the selections into context and provides the necessary background to the issues being discussed. In addition each excerpt is preceded by a brief explanation, providing a solid framework from which to read and making them accessible to every student. Comprehensive enough to be used as a main text, but brief enough to be used along side another, The School in the United States remains an essential resource and textbook for any study of the history of American education.Updates to this third edition include: Aditional materials on current educational issues including the Common Core State Standards Initiative, educational philanthropy, and increased school privatisation and vouchers. Additional photographs and illustrations throughout A new companion website that includes a full Instructors Manual and sample syllabi. "--
著者標目 Fraser, James W., 1944-
一般件名 Education -- History. -- United States
Schools -- History. -- United States
地名件名 United States.
資料情報1 『The school in the United States : a documentary history /』3rd ed. edited by James W. Fraser. Routledge, 2014. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/372.5/S37/S  資料コード:7106109256)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352016225