Robert Bothwell. -- Oxford University Press, -- [2015] --


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ISBN 0195448804 (hardback)
ISBN13桁 9780195448801 (hardback)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 250
個人著者標目 Bothwell, Robert,
本タイトル Your country, my country :
タイトル関連情報 a unified history of the United States and Canada /
著者名 Robert Bothwell.
出版地・頒布地 New York, NY :
出版者・頒布者名 Oxford University Press,
出版年・頒布年 [2015]
数量 420 pages ;
大きさ 25 cm
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references (pages 347-395) and index.
内容注記 Introduction -- Ch 1: Exceptional America: Sovereignties in Northern North America -- Ch 2: Patriots and Loyalists -- Ch 3: The Unfinished Revolution, 1783-1815 -- Ch 4: Postwar, 1815-1854 -- Ch 5: A Colonial Nation, Its Neighbor, and Its Empire -- Ch 6: Siblings and their Rivalries, 1891-1914 -- Ch 7: Relations Transformed by War -- Ch 8: The Great Thaw, 1921-1939 -- Ch 9: Convergences, 1939-1949 -- Ch 10: Exceptional North America and the Cold War, 1949-1979 -- Ch 11: Unexpected Destinations -- Ch 12: Something Old, Something New -- Ch 13: Back to the Future?
要約、抄録、注釈等 "Canada: land of hockey, terrible weather, unfailing politeness-and little else, as far as many Americans are aware. For Canadians, the United States is seen as a land of unparalleled opportunity and unparalleled failure, a country of heights and abysses. The straitlaced country in the north could hardly have much to tell about its powerhouse of a neighbor to the south, eh? Not so, according to historian Robert Bothwell. In this witty and accessible book, Bothwell argues that the shared history of the United States and Canada reveals more about each country than most would suspect. Your Country, My Country takes readers back to the seventeenth century, when a shared British colonial heritage set the two lands on paths that would remain intertwined to the present day. Tracing Canadian-American relations, shared values, and differences through the centuries, Bothwell suggests that Americans are neither unique nor exceptional, in terms of both their good characteristics and their bad ones. He brings this contention down to the present day by examining Canadian and American differences over such questions as universal health care in domestic policy and the Iraq war in foreign policy. What happens in Canada often reflects what has happened in the United States, but by the same token, what happens in Canada signals what could happen in its American neighbor. From whatever direction, this innovative volume contends, Canada's story illuminates America's-and vice-versa"--,"The book might almost be entitled Canadians in the Attic. Canada is the United States' forgotten twin, the country that resembles the United States more than any other, and that shares a history with America that goes back to the seventeenth century, and that includes the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, and the anti-slavery movement, to name only a few. Canada is in a way a measure of, a barometer of, American exceptionalism. What happens in Canada is often a reflection of what has happened in the United States, but by the same token, what happens in Canada is often a sign of what could happen in its American neighbor. While the two countries have distinct political systems, and particular histories, ideologically they are closer together than standard Canadian histories suggest. (Canadians are left out of standard American histories.) Arguably, Canada is the part of North America where the New Deal came to fruition in the 1960s, when it was frustrated in the United States. But no American political idea fails to penetrate Canada, and in the 2000s many Canadians, including the current Canadian government, seek to imitate or replicate the hard-right turn in American politics. From whatever direction, the Canadian experience illuminates American experience-- and vice-versa"--
一般件名 National characteristics, Canadian.
National characteristics, American.
地名件名 Canada -- History.
United States -- History.
資料情報1 『Your country, my country : a unified history of the United States and Canada /』 Robert Bothwell. Oxford University Press, [2015] (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/250.0/B74/Y  資料コード:7107384167)