edited by Allison B. Kaufman, University of Connecticut, CT, USA, James C. Kaufman, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut, CT, USA. -- Academic Press/Elsevier, -- [2015] --


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ISBN 012800648X
ISBN13桁 9780128006481
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 481.7
本タイトル Animal creativity and innovation /
著者名 edited by Allison B. Kaufman, University of Connecticut, CT, USA, James C. Kaufman, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut, CT, USA.
出版地・頒布地 Amsterdam ;
出版者・頒布者名 Academic Press/Elsevier,
出版年・頒布年 [2015]
数量 xxi, 516 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations ;
大きさ 24 cm
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references and index.
内容注記 I. Evidences of creativity : Creativity and innovation in the Grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus) / Irene M. Pepperberg : Creativity and innovation in the vocal mode ; Creativity and innovation in conceptual learning ; Commentary : What can creativity researchers learn from Grey parrots? / Ronald A. Beghetto -- Creativity in the interaction: the case of dog-human play / Robert W. Mitchell : Constraint theory ; Expertise and attention ; Collaborative dyads ; Hercules' fakeouts ; Commentary : Creativity in the interaction / Jessica Hoffmann -- Exploration technique and technical innovations in corvids and parrots / Alice M.I. Auersperg : Parrots and corvids as avian models for physical cognition ; Exploration and play ; Morphology and sensorimotor plasticity ; Emotions and motivation ; Exploration technique and innovative problem solving ; Exploration technique and innovative tool use ; Multi-access box ; Commentary : Innovations in corvids and parrots / Beth A. Hennessey and John H. Stathis -- Cetacean innovation / Eric M. Patterson and Janet Mann : Tales from the tank ; Innovations at sea ; Cetaceans' innovation abilities ; Comparative insights ; Commentary : Proto-c creativity? / Vlad Petre Glăveanu -- II. Requirements for creativity : Creativity, play, and the pace of evolution / Gordon M. Burghardt : A guiding rationale ; Some important issues ; Introducing play ; Diverse attempts to be creative about creativity ; Creativity and innovation in animals ; Examples of novel behavior implicating a role for play ; A scenario for creativity evolution ; What happens after the creative leap? ; Commentary : Play: a multipurpose vehicle / Sandra W. Russ -- The evolution of innovativeness: exaptation or specialized adaptation? / Daniel Sol : The innovation process depends on a combination of factors ; Why can we expect adaptations underlying innovativeness to evolve together? ; The evolution of creative lifestyles ; Synthesis ; Commentary : Can Sol's explanation for the evolution of animal innovation account for human innovation? / Liane Gabora and Apara Ranjan -- The creative cerebellum: insight from animal and human studies / Laura Petrosini, Debora Cutuli, Paola De Bartolo and Daniela Laricchiuta : Cerebellar involvement in novelty recognition and novelty seeking ; Cerebellar involvement in observational learning ; Cerebellar involvement in cognitive flexibility ; Commentary : (How) does the cerebellum contribute to creativity? / Mathias Benedek -- Animal creativity: cross-species studies of cognition / Kendra S. Knudsen, David S. Kaufman, Stephanie A. White, Alcino J. Silva, David J. Jentsch and Robert M. Bilder : Background ; Three themes of creative cognition ; Novelty generation in song birds ; Working memory in "smart" mice ; Response inhibition in rodents ; Commentary : Cross-species studies of cognition / Oshin Vartanian --
要約、抄録、注釈等 "Animal Creativity and Innovation explores theories and research on animal innovation and creativity, comparing and contrasting it with theory and research on human creativity and innovation. In doing so, it encompasses findings from psychology, biology, neuroscience, engineering, business, ecology, and education. The book includes examples of animal innovation in parrots, dogs, marine mammals, insects, and primates, exploring parallels from creative play in children. The book defines creativity, differentiating it from play, and looks at evolutionary models and neurological constructs. The book further explores applied aspects of animal innovation and creativity including tool use and group dynamics, as well as barriers to creativity. The final chapters look into how creative behavior may be taught or trained. Each chapter is followed by a commentary for integration of thoughts and ideas between animal and human research, behavioral and cognitive research, and theory and observation in real life."--Publisher description.
著者標目 Kaufman, Allison B.,
Kaufman, James C.,
統一タイトル(シリーズ副出標目) Explorations in creativity research.
シリーズ名・巻次 Explorations in creativity research 
一般件名 Animal intelligence.
Creative ability.
資料情報1 『Animal creativity and innovation /』(Explorations in creativity research) edited by Allison B. Kaufman, University of Connecticut, CT, USA, James C. Kaufman, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut, CT, USA. Academic Press/Elsevier, [2015] (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/481.7/A59/A6  資料コード:7107751972)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352021866