edited by Roy Grundmann. -- Wiley-Blackwell, -- 2014. -- Paperback edition.


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ISBN 1118723481 (paperback)
ISBN13桁 9781118723487 (paperback)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 778.2346
本タイトル A companion to Michael Haneke /
著者名 edited by Roy Grundmann.
版表示 Paperback edition.
出版地・頒布地 Chichester, West Sussex :
出版者・頒布者名 Wiley-Blackwell,
出版年・頒布年 2014.
数量 xviii, 638 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations ;
大きさ 25 cm.
一般注記 Originally published by Blackwell Publishing, 2010.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references, filmography (p. [607]-618) and index.
内容注記 Introduction: Haneke's anachronism / Roy Grundmann -- Performative self-contradictions: Michael Haneke's mind games / Thomas Elsaesser -- Five tapes, four halls, two dreams: vicissitudes of surveillant narration in Michael Haneke's Caché / Thomas Y. Levin -- Infectious images: Haneke, Cameron, Egoyan, and the dueling epistemologies of video and film / Vinzenz Hediger -- Tracking Code unknown / Tom Conley -- Michael Haneke and the new subjectivity: architecture and film / Peter Eisenman -- Games Haneke plays: reality and performance / Brigitte Peucker -- Figures of disgust / Christa Blümlinger -- Without music: on Caché / Michel Chion -- Fighting the melodramatic condition: Haneke's polemics / Jörg Metelmann -- "Mourning for the gods who have died": the role of religion in Michael Haneke's glaciation trilogy / Gregor Thuswaldner -- A melancholy labor of love, or film adaptation as translation: Three paths to the lake / Fatima Naqvi -- Michael Haneke and the television years: a reading of Lemmings / Peter Brunette -- Variations on themes: spheres and space in Haneke's Variation / Monica Filimon and Fatima Naqvi -- Projecting desire, rewriting cinematic memory: gender and German reconstruction in Michael Haneke's Fraulein / Tobias Nagl -- (Don't) look now: hallucinatory art history in Who was Edgar Allan? / Janelle Blankenship -- Bureaucracy and visual style / Brian Price -- Structures of glaciation: gaze, perspective, and gestus in the films of Michael Haneke / Georg Seeβlen -- The void at the center of things: figures of identity in Michael Haneke's glaciation trilogy / Peter J. Schwartz -- How to do things with violences / Eugenie Brinkema -- Between Adorno and Lyotard: Michael Haneke's aesthetic of fragmentation / Roy Grundmann -- Hollywood endgames / Leland Monk -- Class conflict and urban public space: Haneke and mass transit / Barton Byg -- Multicultural encounters in Haneke's French-language cinema / Alex Lykidis -- Haneke's secession: perspectivism and anti-nihilism in Code unknown and Caché / Kevin L. Stoehr -- The unknown piano teacher / Charles Warren -- Discordant desires, violent refrains: La pianiste (The piano teacher) / Jean Ma -- Civilization's endless shadow: Haneke's Time of the wolf / Evan Torner -- The intertextual and discursive origins of terror in Michael Haneke's Caché / T. Jefferson Kline -- Terror and utopia of form: Robert Bresson's Au hasard Balthazar / Michael Haneke -- Violence and the media / Michael Haneke -- The world that is known: an interview with Michael Haneke / Christopher Sharrett -- Unsentimental education: an interview with Michael Haneke / Roy Grundmann.
要約、抄録、注釈等 A Companion to Michael Haneke is a definitive collection of newly-commissioned work that covers Haneke's body of work in its entirety, catering to students and scholars of Haneke at a time when interest in the director and his work is soaring. Introduces one of the most important directors to have emerged on the global cinema scene in the past fifteen years -- Includes exclusive interviews with Michael Haneke, including an interview discussion of The White Ribbon -- Considers themes, topics, and subjects that have formed the nucleus of the director's life's work: the fate of European cinema, Haneke in Hollywood, pornography, alienation, citizenship, colonialism, and the gaze of surveillance -- Features critical examinations of La Pianiste, Time of the Wolf, Three Paths to the Lake and Caché, amongst others.
個人件名 Haneke, Michael,
生没年等 1942-
一般件名細目 Criticism and interpretation.
著者標目 Grundmann, Roy, 1963-
統一タイトル(シリーズ副出標目) Wiley-Blackwell companions to film directors.
シリーズの巻次 1
シリーズ名・巻次 Wiley-Blackwell companions to film directors ; 1
資料情報1 『A companion to Michael Haneke /』(Wiley-Blackwell companions to film directors ; 1)Paperback edition. edited by Roy Grundmann. Wiley-Blackwell, 2014. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/778.2/H23/C  資料コード:7108850803)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352025368