Luisa Cagica Carvalho, Universidade Aberta, Portugal & CEFAGE - Universidade de Évora, Portugal. -- Information Science Reference, -- c2017. --


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中央 2F 一般洋図書 DF/518.8/H23/H 7109125674 配架図 Digital BookShelf
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ISBN 1522519785 (hardcover)
ISBN13桁 9781522519782 (hardcover)
無効なISBN等 9781522519799 (ebook)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 518.8
本タイトル Handbook of research on entrepreneurial development and innovation within smart cities /
著者名 Luisa Cagica Carvalho, Universidade Aberta, Portugal & CEFAGE - Universidade de Évora, Portugal.
その他のタイトル Entrepreneurial development and innovation within smart cities
出版地・頒布地 Hershey, PA :
出版者・頒布者名 Information Science Reference,
出版年・頒布年 c2017.
数量 xxv, 661 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations ;
大きさ 29 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references and index.
内容注記 Preface -- Entrepreneurial ecosystems : Lisbon as a smart start-up city / Luísa Cagica Carvalho, Universidade Aberta and CEFAGE, Universidade de Évora, Portugal -- Smart citizens, wise decisions : sustainability-driven tourism entrepreneurs / Maria de Lurdes Calisto, Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies, Portugal, Ana Gonçalves -- Digital swarms : social interaction and emergent phenomena in personal communications networks / Carlos M. Fernandes, LARSyS: Laboratory for Robotics and Systems in Engineering and Science, University of Lisbon, Portugal, Ivo Dias de Sousa, Universidade Aberta, Portugal -- The triple helix model : what evidence in the internationalization of the health industry? / André Magrinho, Fundação AIP and CICPRIS, Portugal, Joana Neves, AICEP and UNIDE-IUL, Portugal, Joaquim Ramos Silva, CSG/Socius, ISEG, University of Lisbon, Portugal -- From tangible heritage to intangible heritage : dimensions of the cultural tourism / Nuno Gustavo, Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies, Fernando Completo, Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies, Fernando João Moreira, Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies -- João reis, estoril higher institute for tourism and hotel studies -- Creative industries in the smart city : overview of a liability in the economy for non-democratic countries / Cristobal Collignon de Alba, Colima University, Mexico, Juergen Haberleithner, Colima University, Mexico, Maricela Mireya Reyes López, Colima University, Mexico -- Local creative ecosystems as a strategy for the development of low density urban spaces / Jorge M Gonçalves, Instituto Superior Técnico, Tiago Galvão Martins, Instituto Superior Técnico, Inês Baudoin Vilhena da Cunha, Inteli -- Smart environment : cyber parks : connecting nature and technology / Tihana Brklja?i?, Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Filip Majeti?, Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Bolidar Nika Tarabic, Child Protection Center of Zagreb -- Smartness, city efficiency and entrepreneurship milieu / Luigi Mundula, Department of Business and Economics, University of Cagliari, Sabrina Auci, Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Palermo -- Proximity and cooperation for innovative regional development : the case of science and technology park of Alentejo / Maria Raquel Lucas, CEFAGE and Universidade de Évora, Conceição Rego, CEFAGE and Universidade de Évora, Carlos Vieira, CEFAGE and Universidade de Évora, Isabel Vieira, CEFAGE and Universidade de Évora -- Cities really smart and inclusive : possibilities and limits for social inclusion and participation / Cristina Maria Pinto Albuquerque, University of Coimbra -- The case of Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) : a commitment to a new urban paradigm / Dolores Gallardo Vázquez, University of Extremadura, María Teresa Nevado Gil, University of Extremadura -- Exploring the dynamics of an energy service venture / Carlos Capelo, Universidade Europeia and Universidade Lusófona, Portugal -- Smart city governance : from e-government to smart governance / Maria do Rosário Matos Bernardo, Universidade Aberta -- Building smarter cities through social entrepreneurship / Susana Bernardino, Instituto Politécnico do Porto, ISCAP, José Freitas Santos, Politécnico do Porto/ Universidade do Minho -- Methodologies for engineering learning and teaching (MELT) : an overview of engineering education in Europe and a novel concept for young students / Bárbara Filipa Casqueira Coelho Gabriel, University of Aveiro, Robertt Valente, University of Aveiro, João Dias-de-Oliveira, University of Aveiro, Victor F.S. Neto, University of Aveiro, António Andrade-Campos, University of Aveiro -- The perception of the effect of tourism on the local community before the Ibiza smart island project / María Dolores Sánchez-Fernández, University of A Coruña, José Ramon Cardona, University of Illes Balears -- A qualitative analysis of social entrepreneurship involving social innovation and intervention / Vera Fernandes, Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering, and Tourism, António Carrizo Moreira, University of Aveiro, Ana Isabel Daniel, Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering, and Tourism -- The role corporate social responsibility has in the smart city project in Spain / Ma Asunción López-Arranz, Universidad de A Coruña, Spain -- Cooperatives as responsible and innovative entrepreneurial ecosystems in smart territories : the olive oil industry in the south of Spain / Francisca Castilla-Polo, University of Jaen, Dolores Gallardo-Vázquez, University of Extremadura, M. Isabel Sánchez-Hernández, University of Extremadura, María del Consuelo Ruiz-Rodríguez, University of Jaén -- Smart tourism development : the case of Halkidiki / Spyros Avdimiotis, Technological Educatinal Institution of Thessaloniki, Greece, Irene Tilikidou, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece -- Evaluation of a mobile software development company / Rodrigo Augusto Peres Velozo, Faculdade de Tecnologia de Botucatu & Science without Borders/CAPES, Brazil, Gustavo Kimura Montanha, FATEC, Brazil -- Strategic challenges of the Portuguese molds industry : a sectoral innovation perspective / António Carrizo Moreira, University of Aveiro, Miguel A.M.M. Ferreira, Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering, and Tourism -- A smart city initiative : urban greens and evaluation method of the sport and recreation potentials (SEM) / Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka, AWF University Warsaw Poland, Warsaw Technical University Poland, Natalia Sukasik, AWF University Warsaw Poland, Anna Ostrowska, Tryzno, AWF University Warsaw Poland, Karolina Sawicka, WSTiJO University Warsaw, Royal Wilanów Museum Warsaw Poland.
要約、抄録、注釈等 "This book is a comprehensive reference source that discusses social, economic, and environmental issues surrounding the evolution of smart cities. It provides insightful viewpoints on a range of topics such as entrepreneurial ecosystems, competitive tourism, city efficiency, corporate social responsibility, and smart destinations"-- Provided by publisher.
著者標目 Carvalho, Luisa Cagica, 1970-
統一タイトル(シリーズ副出標目) Advances in environmental engineering and green technologies (AEEGT) book series.
シリーズ名・巻次 Advances in environmental engineering and green technologies (AEEGT) book series, 
一般件名 City planning -- Technological innovations.
New business enterprises.
資料情報1 『Handbook of research on entrepreneurial development and innovation within smart cities /』(Advances in environmental engineering and green technologies (AEEGT) book series,) Luisa Cagica Carvalho, Universidade Aberta, Portugal & CEFAGE - Universidade de Évora, Portugal. Information Science Reference, c2017. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:DF/518.8/H23/H  資料コード:7109125674)