edited by Lars Laamann. -- Brill, -- 2013. --


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ISBN 9004227652 (v. 3 ; hardback ; alk. paper)
ISBN13桁 9789004227651 (v. 3 ; hardback ; alk. paper)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 222.5
本タイトル Critical readings on the Manchus in modern China (1616-2012).
巻次等 Volume 3 /
著者名 edited by Lars Laamann.
出版地・頒布地 Leiden :
出版者・頒布者名 Brill,
出版年・頒布年 2013.
数量 xiii p., p. [785]-1178 :
他の形態的事項 illustrations ;
大きさ 25 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references.
内容注記 Eastern barbarian consciousness in Research on Manchu Orgins / Song Jhune Hyueck -- An unknown chapter in the history of Manchu writing : the "Indian letters (Tianzhu Zi)" / giovanni Stary -- About ideology of the early Qing dinasty / Aleksander Stepanovich Martynov and Tatiana A. Pang -- Manzhou yuanliu kao and the formalization of the Manchu heritage / Pamela Kyle Crossley -- Ethnicity in the Qing eight banners / Mark C. Elliott -- Manchu widows and ethnicity in Qing China / Mark C. Eliott -- A Manchu itinerary / Andrej Rudnev -- Religious an lay symbolism of imperial Manchu practices in observing the new year / Ch'en Chieh-Hsien -- The Manchu imperial Shamanic complex tangse / Giovanni Stary -- Ny Dan the Manchu Shamaness / Kun Shi -- Perfomed spontaneity : the bureaucratization of Shamanic ways in the Qianlong-era / Erling von Mende -- Immortals and patriarchs : the Daooist world of a Manchu official and hisa family in nineteenth-century China / Xun Liu -- Manchu patronage and Tibetan Buddhism during the first half of the Ch'ing dynasty : a review article / Samuel M. Grupper -- The Manchu version of the Amitāyus-sūtra / John L. Mish -- The conceptual framework of the dGa's-Idan's war based on the bey dailame wargi amargi babe necihiyeme Toktobaha bodogon i bithe, 'Buddhist government' in the Tibet-Mongol and Manchu relationship / Ishihara Yumiko --The secret Manchu documents on the trial jesuit missionary Johann Adam Schall (1592-1666) before the supreme court of peking / shu-Jyuan Deiwiks -- A Catholic catechism in Manchu / John L. Mish -- Jesuit influence in emperor K'ang-Hsi's Manchu letters / Hidehiro Okada --Christian literature in Manchu : some bibliographical notes / Hartmut Walravents -- Manchu Christians and the Sunu family / John W. Witek.
著者標目 Laamann, Lars Peter.
一般件名 Qing Dynasty (China)
地名件名 China -- History -- Qing dynasty, 1644-1912.
資料情報1 『Critical readings on the Manchus in modern China (1616-2012). Volume 3 /』 edited by Lars Laamann. Brill, 2013. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/222.5/C93/C1-3  資料コード:7109006136)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352026515