Jefferson Looney, editor ; Robert F. Haggard, senior associate editor ; Julie L. Lautenschlager, associate editor ; Andrea R. Gray, Christine Sternberg Patrick, and Ellen C. Hickman, assistant editors ; Lisa A. Francavilla, managing editor ; Paula Viterbo and Kerry Dahm, editorial assistants ; Susan Spengler, technical specialist ; Catherine Clarke Coiner, senior digital technician. -- Princeton University Press, -- 2016. --


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ISBN [0691172835]
ISBN13桁 9780691172835
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 253.05
個人著者標目 Jefferson, Thomas,
生没年等 1743-1826.
本タイトル The papers of Thomas Jefferson.
部編名等 Retirement series.
巻次等 Volume 13 /
著者名 Jefferson Looney, editor ; Robert F. Haggard, senior associate editor ; Julie L. Lautenschlager, associate editor ; Andrea R. Gray, Christine Sternberg Patrick, and Ellen C. Hickman, assistant editors ; Lisa A. Francavilla, managing editor ; Paula Viterbo and Kerry Dahm, editorial assistants ; Susan Spengler, technical specialist ; Catherine Clarke Coiner, senior digital technician.
出版地・頒布地 Princeton, N.J. :
出版者・頒布者名 Princeton University Press,
出版年・頒布年 2016.
数量 liv, 684 p., [8] p. of plates :
他の形態的事項 ill. (chiefly col. ), maps ;
大きさ 25 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references and index.
内容注記 22 April 1818 to 31 January 1819.
個人件名 Jefferson, Thomas,
生没年等 1743-1826
形式件名細目 Archives.
著者標目 Looney, J. Jefferson.
Haggard, Robert F.
Lautenschlager, Julie L.
Patrick, Christine Sternberg.
Hickman, Ellen C.
Francavilla, Lisa A., 1964-
Gray, Andrea R.
Viterbo, Paula.
Crittenden, Catherine Coiner.
Spengler, Susan.
Dahm, Kerry.
一般件名 Presidents -- United States -- Archives.
Presidents -- United States -- Correspondence.
地名件名 United States -- Politics and government -- 1809-1817 -- Sources.
United States -- Politics and government -- 1817-1825 -- Sources.
資料情報1 『The papers of Thomas Jefferson. Volume 13 /』 Jefferson Looney, editor ; Robert F. Haggard, senior associate editor ; Julie L. Lautenschlager, associate editor ; Andrea R. Gray, Christine Sternberg Patrick, and Ellen C. Hickman, assistant editors ; Lisa A. Francavilla, managing editor ; Paula Viterbo and Kerry Dahm, editorial assistants ; Susan Spengler, technical specialist ; Catherine Clarke Coiner, senior digital technician. Princeton University Press, 2016. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/253.0/J45/P3-13  資料コード:7109026550)