Tony Seddon. -- Yale University Press, -- 2016. --


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中央 3階B 一般洋図書 F/727.8/S44/E 7109489598 配架図 Digital BookShelf
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ISBN 0300222378
ISBN13桁 9780300222371
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 727.8
個人著者標目 Seddon, Tony,
生没年等 1965-
本タイトル Essential type :
タイトル関連情報 an illustrated guide to understanding and using fonts /
著者名 Tony Seddon.
出版地・頒布地 New Haven :
出版者・頒布者名 Yale University Press,
出版年・頒布年 2016.
数量 192 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations (some color) ;
大きさ 24 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references (page 187) and index.
内容注記 Chapter 1: Type Anatomy. X-height; Baseline; Ascendant line; Cap height; Apex; Vertex; Overshoot; Crotch; Ascender; Descender; Stem; Leg; Arm; Crossbar; Cross stroke; Waist; Bowl; Shoulder; Loop; Lobes; Arc of stem; Hook; Link; Tail; Axis; Stroke; Swash; Spine; Ear; Beak; Finial; Spur; Dot; Diacritic; Terminal; Gadzook; Aperture; Eye; Counter (closed); Counter (open); Body ; Joint; Bracket; Serif -- Chapter 2: Glyphs. Full point; Comma; Exclamation point; Question mark; Quotes; Primes; Parentheses; Pilcrow; Hyphen; Dash; Ellipsis; Degree; Glyph; Dingbat; Ligature; Interrobang; Ampersand; Octothorpe; @ symbol; Copyright; Asterisk; Bullet; Dagger; Manicule -- Chapter 3: Type Terms. Typeface; Font; Weight; Style; Alphabet; Character; Metrics; Sidebearing; Uppercase; Lowercase; Bicameral; Unicameral; Roman; Italic; Oblique roman; Back slant; Slope; Optical sizes; Contrast; Hairline; Boldface; Novelty type; Single-story; Double-story; Calligraphic; Swash character; Inline font; Chromatic type; Condensed; Compressed; Expanded; Color; Alignment; Justified; Centered; Copyfitting; Kerning; Tracking; Leading; Solid set; Orphan; Widow; Measure; Gutter; Cicero; Pica; Point; Hard space; Thick space; Thin space; Em; En; PostScript; OpenType; Expert set; Small caps; Folio; Oldstyle figures; Lining figures; Tabular figures; Drop cap; Elevated cap; Versal; Block quote; Foundry; Matrix; Metal type; Fleuron; Bitmap; Anti-aliasing; Hinting; Family -- Chapter 4: Type Classifications. Ancient; Blackletter; Humanist Serif; Old Style Serif; Transitional Serif; Rational Serif; Formal Script; Casual Script; Grotesque Sans; Grotesque Slab; Geometric slab; Humanist Slab; Gothic Sans; Geometric Sans; Humanist Sans; Neo-Grotesque Sans; Neo-Humanist Sans; Glyphic; Contemporary Serif; Display -- Chapter 5: The Typefaces. Jenson; Bembo; Garamond; Caslon; Baskerville; Bodoni; Century; Copperplate Gothic; Goudy Old Style; Perpetua; Joanna; Times New Roman; Sabon; Swift (Neue Swift); Brioso; Clarendon; Rockwell; PMN Caecilia; Archer; Wilhelm Klingspor Schrift; Bickham Script; Suomi Hand Script; The Carpenter; Akzidenz-Grotesk; Franklin Gothic; News Gothic; Futura; Gill Sans; DIN; Folio; Univers; Helvetica; Optima; ITC Avant Garde Gothic; Frutiger; Avenir; ITC Officina Sans; Gotham; Cooper Black; ITC Bauhaus; Trajan; Lust; Lulo -- Useful shortcuts.
要約、抄録、注釈等 "Have you ever wondered which typeface is used for airport signs? Or about the history behind the Times New Roman font? We are constantly engaging with type, yet many of us struggle to use it effectively or simply to understand the basics. This beautifully illustrated, easy to use companion is the perfect guide to everything typographic. Tony Seddon provides an essential lexicon that explains the history and functionality of 140 type terms and 20 unique typeface classifications. The book also features a timeline of typeface classification from the mid-15th century to the present day, and concludes with a chapter detailing over 40 important typeface families that reflect the history of typeface development and typographic style from the earliest days of movable type. Essential Type will help to build your knowledge of type and typeface use with a clear and comprehensive "what is it" and "why use it' approach to the subject. Five chapters explore topics including the anatomy of type, glyphs, typeface classification, and typefaces ranging from serif to sans serif to script and display. The chapter on typefaces pays particular attention to highlighting key design features and, along with illuminating backstories and tips to aid identification, makes this book the perfect companion for all type enthusiasts and practitioners." -- Publisher's description
一般件名 Type and type-founding.
Graphic design (Typography)
資料情報1 『Essential type : an illustrated guide to understanding and using fonts /』 Tony Seddon. Yale University Press, 2016. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/727.8/S44/E  資料コード:7109489598)