edited by Victoria Maizes, MD, Executive Director, Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, Professor of Clinical Medicine, Family Medicine and Public Health, the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, Tieraona Low Dog, MD, Fellowship Director, Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine, Chair, US Pharmacopeia Dietary Supplements & Botanicals Admissions Panel, Pecos, New Mexico. -- Oxford University Press, -- c2015. -- Second edition.


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ISBN 0190214791 (pbk. ; acid-free paper)
ISBN13桁 9780190214791 (pbk. ; acid-free paper)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 495
本タイトル Integrative women's health /
著者名 edited by Victoria Maizes, MD, Executive Director, Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, Professor of Clinical Medicine, Family Medicine and Public Health, the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, Tieraona Low Dog, MD, Fellowship Director, Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine, Chair, US Pharmacopeia Dietary Supplements & Botanicals Admissions Panel, Pecos, New Mexico.
版表示 Second edition.
出版地・頒布地 Oxford ;
出版者・頒布者名 Oxford University Press,
出版年・頒布年 c2015.
数量 xviii, 846 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations ;
大きさ 24 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references and index.
内容注記 Integrative approach to women's health / Victoria Maizes and Tieraona Low Dog -- Nutrition / Wendy Kohatsu -- Dietary supplements / Mary Hardy and Tieraona Low Dog -- Physical activity / Patricia Lebensohn -- Mind-body therapies / Rita Benn -- Healthy aging / Elizabeth R. Mackenzie and Birgit Rakel -- Traditional Chinese medicine / Leslie McGee -- Ayurveda / Premal Patel -- Energy medicine / Ann Marie Chiasson -- Homeopathy / Pamela A. Pappas and Iris R. Bell -- Manual medicine / Cheryl Hawk and Raheleh Khorsan -- Premenstrual syndrome / Daphne Miller -- Vaginitis / Priscilla Abercrombie -- Preconception counseling and fertility / Victoria Maizes -- Pregnancy and lactation / Jacquelyn M. Paykel -- Polycystic ovary syndrome / Bridget S. Bongaard -- Endometriosis / MargEva Morris Cole -- Chronic pelvic pain / Bettina Herbert -- Menopause / Tori Hudson -- Prevention of cervical dysplasia and cancer / Lise Alschuler -- Breast cancer prevention and treatment / Dawn Lemanne -- Hypothyroidism / Maria Benito -- Anxiety / Roberta Lee -- Depression / Naomi Lam and Sudha Prathikanti -- Urinary tract infections / Priscilla Abercrombie -- Irritable bowel syndrome / Irina Lisker and Kathie Madonna Swift -- Headaches / Hilary McClafferty and Kelly McCann -- Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue / Melinda Ring -- Rheumatoid arthritis / Nisha Manek -- Eating disorders / Carolyn Coker Ross -- Cardiovascular diseases in women / Vivan A. Kominos -- Osteoporosis / Louise Gagné -- Sexuality / Karen Koffler -- Lesbian, bisexual, and transgender health / Marnie Lamm and Barbara Eckstein -- Environmental exposures and women's health / Manijeh Berenji and Joanne L. Perron -- Women, soul wounds, and integrative medicine / Beverly Lanzetta -- Women's health: epilogue / Tieraona Low Dog and Victoria Maizes.
要約、抄録、注釈等 Addresses women's reproductive health and also conditions that manifest differently in women than in men, including cardiovascular disease, arthritis, HIV, depression, and cancer. Contributors present evidence, in a clinically relevant manner, for the safe and effective use of herbs, vitamins, diet, and mind-body strategies alongside conventional medical treatments. The authors demonstrate how clinicians can implement their recommendations in practice, going beyond practical care to examine how to motivate patients, enhance a health history, and understand the spiritual dimensions of healing. --From publisher description.
著者標目 Maizes, Victoria,
Low Dog, Tieraona,
統一タイトル(シリーズ副出標目) Weil integrative medicine library.
シリーズ名・巻次 Weil integrative medicine library 
一般件名 Women -- Health and hygiene.
Integrative medicine.
資料情報1 『Integrative women's health /』(Weil integrative medicine library)Second edition. edited by Victoria Maizes, MD, Executive Director, Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, Professor of Clinical Medicine, Family Medicine and Public Health, the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, Tieraona Low Dog, MD, Fellowship Director, Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine, Chair, US Pharmacopeia Dietary Supplements & Botanicals Admissions Panel, Pecos, New Mexico. Oxford University Press, c2015. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/495.0/I61/I  資料コード:7110477769)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352031291