edited by Jeanne Shami, Dennis Flynn, and M. Thomas Hester. -- Oxford University Press, -- 2011. --


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ISBN 0199218609 (acid-free paper)
ISBN13桁 9780199218608 (acid-free paper)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 931.5
本タイトル The Oxford handbook of John Donne /
著者名 edited by Jeanne Shami, Dennis Flynn, and M. Thomas Hester.
出版地・頒布地 Oxford ;
出版者・頒布者名 Oxford University Press,
出版年・頒布年 2011.
数量 xxxv, 845 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations, maps ;
大きさ 26 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references (pages [756]-812) and indexes.
内容注記 General introduction / Jeanne Shami, M. Thomas Hester, and Dennis Flynn -- Introduction / Jeanne Shami -- The composition and dissemination of Donne's writings / Gary A. Stringer -- John Donne's seventeenth-century readers / Ernest W. Sullivan, II -- Archival research / Lara M. Crowley -- Editing Donne's poetry : from John Marriot to the Donne Variorum / Gary A. Stringer -- Editing Donne's poetry : the Donne Variorum and beyond / Richard Todd -- Modern scholarly editions of the prose of John Donne / Ernest W. Sullivan, II -- Research tools and their pitfalls for Donne studies / Donald R. Dickson -- Collaboration and the international scholarly community / Hugh Adlington -- Introduction / Heather Dubrow and M. Thomas Hester -- The epigram / M. Thomas Hester -- The formal verse satire / Gregory Kneidel -- The elegy / R.V. Young -- The paradox / Michael W. Price -- The paradox : Biathanatos / Ernest W. Sullivan -- Menippean Donne / Anne Lake Prescott -- The love lyric / Dayton Haskin -- The verse letter / Margaret Maurer -- The religious sonnet / R.V. Young -- Liturgical poetry / Kirsten Stirling -- The problem / Michael W. Price -- The controversial treatise / Graham Roebuck -- The essay / Jeffrey Johnson -- The anniversary poem / Graham Roebuck -- The epicede and obsequy / Claude J. Summers -- The epithalamion / Camille Wells Slights -- The devotion / Kate Narveson -- The sermon / Jeanne Shami -- The prose letter / Margaret Maurer -- Introduction / Dennis Flynn and Jeanne Shami -- The English Reformation in the mid-Elizabethan period / Patrick Collinson -- Donne's family background, birth, and early years / Dennis Flynn -- Education as a courtier / Alexandra Gajda -- Donne's education / Dennis Flynn -- Donne's military career / Albert C. Labriola -- The Earl of Essex and English expeditionary forces / Paul E.J. Hammer -- Donne and Egerton : the court and courtship / Steven W. May -- Donne and late Elizabethan court politics / Andrew Gordon -- Donne's wedding and the Pyrford years / Dennis Flynn -- New horizons in the early Jacobean period / Anthony Milton -- The death of Robert Cecil : end of an era / Johann Sommerville -- Donne's travels and earliest publications / Dennis Flynn -- Donne's decision to take orders / Jeanne Shami -- The rise of the Howards at court / Alastair Bellany -- Donne and court chaplaincy / Peter McCullough -- The hazards of the Jacobean court / Kenneth Fincham -- Donne's readership at Lincoln's Inn and the Doncaster embassy / Emma Rhatigan -- International politics and Jacobean statecraft / Malcolm Smuts -- Donne : the final period / Clayton D. Lein -- Donne, the patriot cause, and war, 1620-1629 / Simon Healy -- The English nation in 1631 / Arnold Hunt -- The death of Donne / Alison Shell -- Introduction / Dennis Flynn -- Donne and apostasy / Achsah Guibbory -- Donne, women, and the spectre of misogyny / Theresa M. DiPasquale -- Donne's absolutism / Debora Shuger -- Style, wit, prosody in the poetry of John Donne / Albert C. Labriola -- Do Donne's writings express his desperate ambition? / Hugh Adlington -- "By parting have joyn'd here" : the story of the two (or more) Donnes / Judith Scherer Herz -- Danger and discourse / Lynne Magnusson.
要約、抄録、注釈等 "The Oxford Handbook of John Donne presents scholars with the history of Donne studies and provides tools to orient scholarship in this field in the twenty-first century and beyond. Though profoundly historical in its orientation, the Handbook is not a summary of existing knowledge but a resource that reveals patterns of literary and historical attention and the new directions that these patterns enable or obstruct. Part I - Research resources in Donne Studies and why they matter - emphasizes the heuristic and practical orientation of the Handbook, examining prevailing assumptions and reviewing the specialized scholarly tools available. This section provides a brief evaluation and description of the scholarly strengths, shortcomings, and significance of each resource, focusing on a balanced evaluation of the opportunities and the hazards each offers. Part II - Donne's genres - begins with an introduction that explores the significance and differentiation of the numerous genres in which Donne wrote, including discussion of the problems posed by his overlapping and bending of genres. Essays trace the conventions and histories of the genres concered and study the ways in which Donne's works confirm how and why his 'fresh invention' illustrates his responses to the literary and non-literary contexts of their composition. Part III - Biographical and historical contexts - creates perspective on what is known about Donne's life; shows how his life and writings epitomized and affected important controversial issues of his day; and brings to bear on Donne studies some of the most stimulating and creative ideas developed in recent decades by historians of early modern England. Part IV - Problems of literary interpretation that have been traditionally and generally important in Donne Studies - introduces students and researchers to major critical debates affecting the reception of Donne from the 17th through to the 21st centuries."--Pub. desc.
個人件名 Donne, John,
生没年等 1572-1631
一般件名細目 Criticism and interpretation.
著者標目 Shami, Jeanne.
Flynn, Dennis.
Hester, M. Thomas.
統一タイトル(シリーズ副出標目) Oxford handbooks.
シリーズ名・巻次 [Oxford handbooks] 
資料情報1 『The Oxford handbook of John Donne /』([Oxford handbooks]) edited by Jeanne Shami, Dennis Flynn, and M. Thomas Hester. Oxford University Press, 2011. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/931.5/D68/O  資料コード:7110596859)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352031788