Jorge Franco. -- Siete Cuentos Editorial, -- 2004, -- 1. ed. Norteamericana.


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ISBN 1583226125 (pbk.)
ISBN13桁 9781583226124 (pbk.)
テキストの言語 スペイン語;カスティーヤ語                  
分類:NDC10版 963
個人著者標目 Franco Ramos, Jorge.
本タイトル Rosario Tijeras :
タイトル関連情報 una novela /
著者名 Jorge Franco.
版表示 1. ed. Norteamericana.
出版地・頒布地 New York :
出版者・頒布者名 Siete Cuentos Editorial,
出版年・頒布年 2004,
数量 165 pages ;
大きさ 21 cm.
一般注記 Previously published: Plaza & Janes, 1999.
要約、抄録、注釈等 "Since they shot her at point-blank range while she was being kissed, she confused the pain of love with that of death." Rosario Tijeras is the violent, violated character at the center of Jorge Franco's delicately balanced novel, set in self-destructing 1980s Medellin. Her very name -- evoking the rosary and scissors -- bespeaks her conflict as a woman who becomes a contract killer to insulate herself from the random violence of the streets (in a country where it is common practice among her colleagues to boil bullets in holy water before using them). Then she is shot, gravely wounded, and the circle of contradiction is closed. From the corridors of the hospital where Rosario is fighting for her life, Antonio, the narrator, waits to learn if she will recover. We join him in his nighttime vigil. Piece by piece, as he moves through layers of recollection and speculation, we reconstruct the friendship between the two, the story of her many lovers, and her life as a hitwoman.
一般件名 Assassins -- Fiction.
Drug traffic -- Fiction.
資料情報1 『Rosario Tijeras : una novela /』1. ed. Norteamericana. Jorge Franco. Siete Cuentos Editorial, 2004, (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/963.0/F82/R  資料コード:7110700250)