Peter Jones and Keith Sidwell. -- Cambridge University Press, -- 2016. -- Second edition.


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ISBN 1107632269 (paperback)
ISBN13桁 9781107632264 (paperback)
テキストの言語 英語  ラテン語                
分類:NDC10版 892
個人著者標目 Jones, P. V.
姓名の完全形 (Peter V.),
本タイトル Reading Latin :
タイトル関連情報 grammar and exercises /
著者名 Peter Jones and Keith Sidwell.
版表示 Second edition.
出版地・頒布地 Cambridge :
出版者・頒布者名 Cambridge University Press,
出版年・頒布年 2016.
数量 xxiv, 458 pages ;
大きさ 25 cm.
一般注記 Includes index.
内容注記 Preface -- Notes to Grammar and Exercises -- Abbreviations -- Pronunciation -- Illustration -- Glossary of Grammatical Terms -- Grammar and exercises for Sections 1-6 -- Section 1 -- Section 2 -- Section 3 -- Section 4 -- Section 5 -- Section 6 -- Reference Grammar -- A-G Verbs -- H-I -- J-K -- L-V Constructions -- W -- Appendix: The Latin language -- Total Latin-English learning vocabulary -- Total English-Latin vocabulary for exercises -- Index of grammar
要約、抄録、注釈等 'Reading Latin' is a bestselling Latin course designed to help mature beginners read classical Latin fluently and intelligently, primarily in the context of classical culture, but with some medieval Latin too. It does this in three ways: it encourages the reading of continuous texts from the start without compromising grammatical rigour, it offers generous help with translation at every stage; and it integrates the learning of classical Latin with an appreciation of the influence of the Latin language upon English and European culture from antiquity to the present. This book supplies all the grammatical help needed to follow the 'Text and Vocabulary' volume, together with a range of reinforcing exercises for each section, including English into Latin for those who want it. It also contains a full and detailed reference grammar at the back. For each section, a selection of Latin epigrams, mottoes, quotations, everyday Latin, word-derivations, examples of medieval Latin and discussions of the influence of Latin upon English illustrate the language's impact on Western culture. This second edition has been fully revised and updated, with revisions to the early chapters including a new one on stories from early Roman history, and extensively redesigned to make it easier and clearer to navigate.
著者標目 Sidwell, Keith C.
一般件名 Latin language -- Grammar -- Problems, exercises, etc.
Latin language -- Readers.
資料情報1 『Reading Latin : grammar and exercises /』Second edition. Peter Jones and Keith Sidwell. Cambridge University Press, 2016. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/892.0/J78/R2  資料コード:7110834389)