Peter Atkins. -- Oxford University Press, -- 2018, -- First edition.


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ISBN 0198813376 (hardcover)
ISBN13桁 9780198813378 (hardcover)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 440.12
個人著者標目 Atkins, P. W.
姓名の完全形 (Peter William),
生没年等 1940-
本タイトル Conjuring the universe :
タイトル関連情報 the origins of the laws of nature /
著者名 Peter Atkins.
版表示 First edition.
出版地・頒布地 New York, NY :
出版者・頒布者名 Oxford University Press,
出版年・頒布年 2018,
数量 vi, 187 pages ;
大きさ 23 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references (pages [169]-181) and index.
内容注記 Back to eternity : the nature of laws -- Much ado about nothing : how laws might emerge from nothing -- Anarchy rules : how some laws emerge from no laws -- The heat of the moment : laws relating to temperature -- Beyond anarchy : why anything happens -- The creative power of ignorance : how matter responds to change -- The charge of the light brigade : the laws of electricity and magnetism -- Measure for measure : the origin of the fundamental constants -- The cry from the depths : why mathematics works.
要約、抄録、注釈等 The marvelous complexity of the Universe emerges from several deep laws and a handful of fundamental constants that fix its shape, scale, and destiny. There is a deep structure to the world which at the same time is simple, elegant, and beautiful. Where did these laws and these constants come from? And why are the laws so fruitful when written in the language of mathematics? Peter Atkins considers the minimum effort needed to equip the Universe with its laws and its constants. He explores the origin of the conservation of energy, of electromagnetism, of classical and quantum mechanics, and of thermodynamics, showing how all these laws spring from deep symmetries. The revolutionary result is a short but immensely rich weaving together of the fundamental ideas of physics. With his characteristic wit, erudition, and economy, Atkins sketches out how the laws of Nature can spring from very little. Or arguably from nothing at all.
一般件名 Cosmic physics.
資料情報1 『Conjuring the universe : the origins of the laws of nature /』First edition. Peter Atkins. Oxford University Press, 2018, (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/440.1/A87/C  資料コード:7111735643)