edited by Dena Shottenkirk, Manuel Curado and Steven S. Gouveia. -- Routledge, -- 2019. --


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ISBN 1138615935 (hardcover)
ISBN13桁 9781138615939 (hardcover)
無効なISBN等 9780429462658 (ebook)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 141.51
本タイトル Perception, cognition, and aesthetics /
著者名 edited by Dena Shottenkirk, Manuel Curado and Steven S. Gouveia.
出版地・頒布地 New York, NY :
出版者・頒布者名 Routledge,
出版年・頒布年 2019.
数量 vii, 352 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations ;
大きさ 24 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references and index.
内容注記 Introduction / Dena Shottenkirk, Steven S. Gouveia and Manuel Curado -- Section I: Perception. Chapter 1: Disjunctivism and the Internal. A Problem for McDowell's Epistemological Disjunctivism? / Davide Dalla Rosa and Federico Sanguinetti -- Chapter 2: Xenophanes' Figs and Honey: An Essay about a Program of Philosophy of Perception / Manuel Curado -- Chapter 3: A Neurophilosophical Approach to Perception / Steven S. Gouveia and Georg Northoff -- Chapter 4: Smelling Molecular Structure / Benjamin D. Young -- Chapter 5: "Hierarchical Bokeh" Theory of Attention / Anatoly Nichvoloda -- Chapter 6: Perceiving Live Improvisation in the Performing Arts / Aili Bresnahan -- Section II: Cognition. Chapter 7: Consciousness and Content in Perception / Bill Brewer -- Chapter 8: Perceptual Capacities / Susanna Schellenberg -- Chapter 9: Thinking Differently About Thought / Nicholas Georgalis -- Chapter 10: Immediate and reflective senses / Angela Mendelovici -- Chapter 11: The Unity of Unconsciousness / Tim Crane -- Chapter 12: Phenomenal Experience and the Thesis of Revelation / Michelle Liu -- Section III: Perception and Cognition in Aesthetics. Chapter 13: Would You Buy Absence Art? / Anya Farennikova -- Chapter 14: Penetrating Beauty: Knowledge, Culture and Context in Aesthetic Perception / Jesse Prinz -- Chapter 15: Gist Experience / Dena Shottenkirk -- Chapter 16: How Do I Know When I Am Dancing? / Romain Bige -- Chapter 17a: Interview of James Cohan / Dena Shottenkirk -- Chapter 17b: Interview of Leonel Moura / Steven S. Gouveia.
要約、抄録、注釈等 This volume addresses key questions related to how content in thought is derived from perceptual experience. It includes chapters that focus on single issues on perception and cognition, as well as others that relate these issues to an important social construct that involves both perceptual experience and cognitive activities: aesthetics. While the volume includes many diverse views, several prominent themes unite the individual essays: a challenge to the notion of the discreet, and non-temporal, unit of perception, a challenge to the traditional divide between perception and cognition, and a challenge to the traditional divide between unconscious and conscious intentionality. Additionally, the chapters discuss the content of perceptual experience, the value of traditional notions of content, disjunctivism, adverbialism, and phenomenal experience.
著者標目 Shottenkirk, Dena.
Curado, Manuel, 1967-
Gouveia, Steven S.
統一タイトル(シリーズ副出標目) Routledge studies in contemporary philosophy.
シリーズ名・巻次 Routledge studies in contemporary philosophy 
一般件名 Aesthetics.
Perception (Philosophy)
資料情報1 『Perception, cognition, and aesthetics /』(Routledge studies in contemporary philosophy) edited by Dena Shottenkirk, Manuel Curado and Steven S. Gouveia. Routledge, 2019. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/141.5/P42/P  資料コード:7112995647)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352043522