edited by Lynette Joubert and Martin Webber. -- Routledge, -- 2020. --


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ISBN 0367189526 (hardback)
ISBN13桁 9780367189525 (hardback)
無効なISBN等 9780429199486 (ebook)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 369.16
本タイトル The Routledge handbook of social work practice research /
著者名 edited by Lynette Joubert and Martin Webber.
出版地・頒布地 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ;
出版者・頒布者名 Routledge,
出版年・頒布年 2020.
数量 xix, 504 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations ;
大きさ 26 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references and index.
内容注記 Section 1: State of the art -- 2. Identifying the conceptual foundations of practice research / Michael J. Austin -- 3. Social work practice research developments: four statements, ten years later / Lars Uggerhoj and Permille Wisti -- 4. From research question to practice research methodology / Mike Fisher -- 5. Underlying theoretical positions, perceptions and foundations in practice research / Maja Lundemark Andersen, Lene Ingemann Brandt, Kirsten Henriksen, Kirsten Mejlvig, Liesanth Nirmalarajan, Mette Romer, Lars Uggerhoj and Pernille Wisti -- Practice research as a collective enterprise / ian shaw -- Philanthropic collaboration in practice research: the Mrs Lee Choon Guan endowed research fund model, singapore / Rosaleen Ow, Isabel Sim and Esther Goh -- Section 2: methodologies -- Clinical data mining: a practice research methodology of choice for health social workers / Lynette Joubert, Melinda Collins, Lisa Braddy, Kathryn Turner, Alison Hocking, Denise Beovich, Sarah Blaschke, Fiona Wiseman and Vera Steiner -- Different approaches in practice research / Maja Lundemark Andersen, Lene Ingemann Brandt, Kirsten Henricksen, Kirsten Majlvig, Liesanth Nirmalarajan, Mette Romer, Lars Uggerhoj and Pernille Wisti -- Methodological pluralism in practice research / Martin Webber -- Pragmatist knowledge production in practice research / Heidi Muurinen and Mirja Satka -- Evaluating social work practice with single system research designs / Bruce A. Thyer -- Measuring effectiveness in practice research / Grahame Simpson -- The interface between qualitative research methodology and practice research / Lisa Morriss engaging service users in practice research / Maja Lundemark Andersen, lene ingemann brandt, Kirsten Henriksen, kirsten mejlvig, Liesanth Nirmalarajan, mette romer, Lars Uggerhoj and Pernille Wisti -- Practice research in indigenous communities / angus macfarlane -- Translating ideas of practice research for a national and local child welfare reform process / laura yliruka, paivi petrelius and pia eriksson -- Causal analysis for practice-based research using observational data / arno parolini, wei wu tan, marlena klaic and anna bornemisza -- Section 3: pedagogies -- Teaching practice research through partnerships with field educators, social work communites and university / laura yliruka, jenika heinonen, maria tapola-haapala and nanne isokuortti -- Teaching practice research through fieldwork placements: critical factors for successful trialogcial learning processes / maria topola-haapala, aino kaariainen, Maija Jappinen and Mirja Satka -- Teaching practice research: a curriculum guide for postgraduate social work training / Martin Webber -- Academic practitioner collaboration: a state-wide social work innovation from victoria, australia / Lynette Joubert, alison hocking, anita morris and lisa braddy -- International capacity-builiding for practice research in india / Saju MD, Meredith Fendt-Newlin, Lynette Joubert and Martin Webber -- Section 4: applications -- From practice wisdom to research knowledge: the case of the development of the integrative body-mind-spirit intervention model / Margaret Xi-can Yin, Celia Hoi-yan Chan, Yat-lui Fung and Cecilia Lai-wan Chan -- Using existing data to explore practice issues and improve service responses: application of clinical data mining methodology in a healthcare context / Alys-Marie Manguy, Lynette Joubert, ed oakley and rovert gordon -- Post-hospital caregiving experiences: an exploratory, longitudinal mixed-methods study / Geok Ling Lee, Corinne s.n. ghoh, gerald c.h. koh, soon noi goh, crystal chai-lim, marcus y.l. chiu, nan luo and kai cao -- The role of clinical supervision within austrailian youth cancer services / Kate Thompson, Lucy Holland, Jeremy Lewin, Victoria Dax and Lynette Joubert -- Narrative practice and practice-based research / Kristina Lainson -- Co-producing practice research: the connecting people implementation study / Nicola Moran, Martin Webber, Harminder Dosanjh Kaur, David Morris, Kayonda ngamaba, victoria nunn, e. thomas and keith j. thompson -- Sharing lived experience in mental health services / jonny lovell, alison o'connell and Martin Webber -- Co-creation in research with young people / frida westerbank, emma murtonen, judith metz and ilse julkunen -- Parenting assessment manual software with forensic parenting assessments: from practice to research / tracee green and Martin Webber -- Practice-led research: developing communities of practice to drive research and practice change in the domestic and family violence arena / Susan Heward-belle, Cathy Humphreys, Lucy Healey, Menka Tsantefski, Jasmin Isobe, Cherie Toivonen, Erin Links, Amy Young and Tracy Wilde -- The performance of researching with migrants and refugees / janet carter anand, chaitali das, csilla veszteg and enkhjargal batbaatar -- Section 5: expanding the frontiers -- Beyond knowledge transfer in practice research in social work: making sense of relations and alliances / Ilse Julkunen and Raija Koskinen -- Results to practice: navigating complexities to create meaningful impact / christa b. fouche and laura a. chubb -- Staying close to practice: knowledge translation in practice research / Meredith Fendt-Newlin -- Whence and whither clinical data mining? / Irwin Epstein -- New frontiers for practice research / Lynette Joubert and Martin Webber.
要約、抄録、注釈等 "The Routledge Handbook of Practice Research is the first book to focus on practice research for social work. Bringing together leading scholars in the field from Europe, the USA and the Asia Pacific region, it provides an up-to-the minute overview of the latest thinking in practice research whilst also providing practical advice on how to undertake practice research in the field"--Provided by publisher.
著者標目 Joubert, Lynette Barbara,
Webber, Martin,
統一タイトル(シリーズ副出標目) Routledge international handbooks.
シリーズ名・巻次 Routledge International Handbooks 
一般件名 Social service -- Research.
Social service -- Research.
資料情報1 『The Routledge handbook of social work practice research /』(Routledge International Handbooks) edited by Lynette Joubert and Martin Webber. Routledge, 2020. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/369.1/R86/R  資料コード:7113638451)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352046996