Nalan Kenny, Elvan Eda Işık-Taş, Huang Jian, editors. -- Palgrave Macmillan, -- [2020], --


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ISBN 3030329135 (hardcover)
ISBN13桁 9783030329136 (hardcover)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 830.7
本タイトル English for specific purposes instruction and research :
タイトル関連情報 current practices, challenges and innovations /
著者名 Nalan Kenny, Elvan Eda Işık-Taş, Huang Jian, editors.
出版地・頒布地 Cham, Switzerland :
出版者・頒布者名 Palgrave Macmillan,
出版年・頒布年 [2020],
数量 xviii, 319 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations (some color) ;
大きさ 22 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references and index.
内容注記 Chapter 1: Current Practices, Challenges and Innovations in ESP / Elvan Eda Işık-Taş and Nalan Kenny -- Chapter 2: The Classroom Brain: Building Upon Collective Knowledge / Monica Rocha-Antonin -- Chapter 3: Undergraduate Students' Expectations of Persuasion and Argumentation: A Pilot Study at a Middle Eastern University (Rachel Hall Buck -- Chapter 4: ESP for Art-Major Undergraduates- From the Perspective of English Learning Motivation / Chunyan Shao, Chen Chen and Guan Shuya -- Chapter 5: Challenges in Developing ESP Classes Under the Critical Literacy Perspective / Renata de Souza Gomes -- Chapter 6: Examining the Pitfalls Behind a Failed Japanese University ESP Programme / Brian G. Rubrecht -- Chapter 7: Language Activities Aimed at Social Competencies for Nursing Students in Practice / Monika Pociask and Anna Stefanowicz-Kocoł -- Chapter 8: Features of Electronic Feedback on Graduate Level Writing / Nur Yigitoglu and Yasemin Bayyurt -- Chapter 9: Language and Communication Training for Business Education: the Missing Competencies / Elena Belyaeva and Svetlana Rubtsova -- Chapter 10: The Statement of Purpose in Graduate Program Application: the Impact of Academics' Feedback on L2 Writer Identity / Elvan Eda Işık-Taş -- Chapter 11: Implications of Current Research in ESP for ESL/ESP Teacher Training / Amina Gaye -- Chapter 12: The Algerian Newly Recruited Teachers' Attitudes Towards Professional Development / Sidali Selama -- Chapter 13: Use of Action Research as a Viable Paradigm for the Professional Development of ESP Instructors / Suzan Kayanoz -- Chapter 14: Developing CLIL in Tertiary Education: Working with Tourism Texts / Mª Ángeles Escobar Álvarez -- Chapter 15: CLIL: A Public Technical University Experience / Tatiana V. Sidorenko, Yanah V. Rozanova and Olga B. Shamina -- Chapter 16: The Effects of Chat Language on Students' Academic Writing: A Case Study of Private Lebanese University Students / Wassim Al-Bekai.
要約、抄録、注釈等 This edited book focuses on current practices, challenges and innovations in the emerging field of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). By combining diverse, empirically-proven and innovative ESP practices from all over the world with inspiring theoretical input and reflections from experienced practitioners, the authors in this volume examine both best-practice examples and ESP programmes which by various metrics are deemed to have failed. This book will be of interest to practitioners, teacher educators and researchers working in the field of ESP, as well as readers interested in language education and curriculum development more broadly. Nalan Kenny is a language teacher specialising in English as an Additional Language at King's Leadership Academy in Liverpool, UK. She is Vice President of the International ESP Teachers' Association (IESPTA). Elvan Eda Işık-Taş is an applied linguist who teaches in the TEFL and Modern Languages programmes at Middle East Technical University (METU), Cyprus. She is President of the International ESP Teachers' Association (IESPTA). Huang Jian is an applied linguist and Associate Professor at the School of Foreign Studies, Central University of Finance and Economics, China. His academic interests lie in material development for language and translation instruction and assessment, ESP teacher development and Qualitative Research.
著者標目 Kenny, Nalan.
Işık-Taş, Elvan Eda.
Jian, Huang.
一般件名 English language -- Foreign speakers.
Professional education.
資料情報1 『English for specific purposes instruction and research : current practices, challenges and innovations /』 Nalan Kenny, Elvan Eda Işık-Taş, Huang Jian, editors. Palgrave Macmillan, [2020], (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/830.7/E58/E6  資料コード:7113668183)