Bonnie L. Hewlett. -- Oxford University Press, -- c2013. --


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中央 3階A 一般洋図書 F/382.4/H61/L 7113774140 配架図 Digital BookShelf
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ISBN 0199764239 (pbk. ; acid-free paper)
ISBN13桁 9780199764235 (pbk. ; acid-free paper)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 382.4473
個人著者標目 Hewlett, Bonnie L.
姓名の完全形 (Bonnie Lynn),
生没年等 1961-
本タイトル Listen, here is a story :
タイトル関連情報 ethnographic life narratives from Aka and Ngandu women of the Congo basin /
著者名 Bonnie L. Hewlett.
その他のタイトル Ethnographic life narratives from Aka and Ngandu women of the Congo basin
出版地・頒布地 New York :
出版者・頒布者名 Oxford University Press,
出版年・頒布年 c2013.
数量 xiii, 258 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations, map ;
大きさ 21 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references (pages 236-250) and index.
内容注記 Introduction : Women's lives at the crossroads -- The forest and village worlds -- Children of the forest and village -- The components of a good life -- The harsh and delightful realities of marriage and motherhood -- The consequences of being a woman -- Generations and grandmothers -- Conclusion : Globalization and forces of change.
要約、抄録、注釈等 "Based on author Bonnie L. Hewlett's ten years of field experience in the Central African Republic, Listen, Here Is a Story: Ethnographic Life Narratives from Aka and Ngandu Women of the Congo Basin offers a fascinating glimpse into the lives of contemporary African women in their own words. Rendered here are the experiences of four women who Hewlett depicts in their homes, fields, and the forest. The women vividly recall memories, childhood games, dances, folk tales, songs, and drawings from throughout their lives and provide insights and anecdotes from their experiences as children, adolescents, mothers, wives, and providers."--Publisher's website.
統一タイトル(シリーズ副出標目) Issues of globalization.
シリーズ名・巻次 Issues of globalization : case studies in contemporary anthropology 
一般件名 Aka (African people) -- Central African Republic.
Ngandu (African people) -- Central African Republic.
地名件名 Central African Republic.
資料情報1 『Listen, here is a story : ethnographic life narratives from Aka and Ngandu women of the Congo basin /』(Issues of globalization : case studies in contemporary anthropology) Bonnie L. Hewlett. Oxford University Press, c2013. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/382.4/H61/L  資料コード:7113774140)