Lulu Miller ; illustrations by Kate Samworth. -- Simon & Schuster, -- 2020. -- First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition.


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ISBN 1501160273 (hardcover)
ISBN13桁 9781501160271 (hardcover)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 289.3
個人著者標目 Miller, Lulu,
生没年等 1983-
本タイトル Why fish don't exist :
タイトル関連情報 a story of loss, love, and the hidden order of life /
著者名 Lulu Miller ; illustrations by Kate Samworth.
版表示 First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition.
出版地・頒布地 New York, NY :
出版者・頒布者名 Simon & Schuster,
出版年・頒布年 2020.
数量 225 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations ;
大きさ 22 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references (pages [203]-225).
内容注記 A boy with his head in the stars -- A prophet on an island -- A godless interlude -- Chasing tail -- Genesis in a jar -- Smash -- The indestructible -- On delusion -- The bitterest thing in the world -- A veritable chamber of horrors -- The ladder -- Dandelions -- Deus ex machina.
要約、抄録、注釈等 David Starr Jordan was a taxonomist, a man possessed with bringing order to the natural world. In time, he would be credited with discovering nearly a fifth of the fish known to humans in his day. But the more of the hidden blueprint of life he uncovered, the harder the universe seemed to try to thwart him. His specimen collections were demolished by lightning, by fire, and eventually by the 1906 San Francisco earthquake--which sent more than a thousand of his discoveries, housed in fragile glass jars, plummeting to the floor. In an instant, his life's work was shattered. Many might have given up, given in to despair. But Jordan? He surveyed the wreckage at his feet, found the first fish he recognized, and confidently began to rebuild his collection. And this time, he introduced one clever innovation that he believed would at last protect his work against the chaos of the world. When NPR reporter Lulu Miller first heard this anecdote in passing, she took Jordan for a fool--a cautionary tale in hubris, or denial. But as her own life slowly unraveled, she began to wonder about him. Perhaps instead he was a model for how to go on when all seemed lost. What she would unearth about his life would transform her understanding of history, morality, and the world beneath her feet. Part biography, part memoir, part scientific adventure, Why Fish Don't Exist reads like a fable about how to persevere in a world where chaos will always prevail. -- Provided by publisher.,Nineteenth-century scientist David Starr Jordan built one of the most important fish specimen collections ever seen, until the 1906 San Francisco earthquake shattered his life's work.
個人件名 Jordan, David Starr,
生没年等 1851-1931.
著者標目 Samworth, Kate.
団体件名 Stanford University -- Presidents -- Biography.
Stanford University.
一般件名 Naturalists -- United States -- Biography.
Ichthyologists -- United States -- Biography.
地名件名 United States.
資料情報1 『Why fish don't exist : a story of loss, love, and the hidden order of life /』First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition. Lulu Miller ; illustrations by Kate Samworth. Simon & Schuster, 2020. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/289.3/J82/W  資料コード:7114169830)