by Martin Amis. -- Alfred A. Knopf, -- 2020. -- First American edition.


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中央 書庫 一般洋図書 F/933.7/A51/I2 7114311993 Digital BookShelf
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ISBN 0593318293 (hardcover)
ISBN13桁 9780593318294 (hardcover)
無効なISBN等 9780593318300 (electronic book)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 933.7
個人著者標目 Amis, Martin.
本タイトル Inside story :
タイトル関連情報 a novel /
著者名 by Martin Amis.
版表示 First American edition.
出版地・頒布地 New York :
出版者・頒布者名 Alfred A. Knopf,
出版年・頒布年 2020.
数量 xxi, 538 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations ;
大きさ 25 cm
一般注記 Includes index.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references index.
内容注記 Preludial -- Ethics and morals... The American eagle -- Guideline: Things fiction can't do -- Phoebe: the business... So I went round there -- Guideline: The novel moves on -- Jerusalem... Bitter furies of complexity -- Guideline: Literature and violence -- The night of shame... She's scaring me, Hitch -- Transitional: The sources of the being -- France in the time of Iraq 1: Anti:américain -- September 11 (1): The day after -- September 11 (2): The day before the day after -- September 11 (3): The days after the day after -- France in the time of Iraq 2: Shock and awe -- Interludial: Memos to my reader, and 'Oktober' -- The shadow-line... Nobodaddy -- Hitchens goes to Houston... He's an ox -- Politics and the bedroom... Not left wing enough -- Hitchens stays on in Houston... The synchrotron -- And say why it never worked for me... Invidia -- Preamble: The fire on New Year's Eve -- Christopher: Everyone pray for Hitchens Day -- How to write: The mind's ear -- Saul: Idlewild -- How to write: Decorum -- Philip: The love of his life -- How to write: Impersonal forces -- Beelzebub -- How to write: The uses of variety -- London: Phoebe at seventy-five -- 'It seemed that out of battle I escaped' -- The poet: December 1985 -- The novelist: April 2005 -- The essayist: December 2011 -- Postludial -- Afterthought: Masada and the Dead Sea -- Addendum: Elizabeth Jane Howard.
要約、抄録、注釈等 "From one of the most highly acclaimed writers at work today: his most intimate and epic work yet--an autobiographical novel of sex and love, family and friendship. Inside Story had its birth in the death of Martin Amis's closest friend, the incomparable Christopher Hitchens, and it is within that profound and sprawling friendship that the novel unfurls. From their early days as young magazine staffers in London, reviewing romantic entanglements and the latest literary gossip (not to mention ideas, books, and where to lunch), Hitchens was Martin's wingman and adviser, especially in the matter of the alluringly amoral Phoebe Phelps--an obsession Martin must somehow put behind him if he is ever to find love, marriage, a plausible run at happiness. Other significant figures competing as Martin's main influencers are his father, Kingsley, his hero Saul Bellow, the weirdly self-finessing poet Philip Larkin, and significant literary women from Iris Murdoch to Elizabeth Jane Howard. Moving among these greats to set his own path, Martin's quest is a tender, witty exploration of the hardest questions: how to live, how to grieve, and how to die. Along the way, he surveys the horrors of the twentieth century, and the still-unfolding impact of the 9/11 attacks on the twenty-first--and considers what all of this has taught him about how to be a writer. The result is a love letter to life--and to the people in his life--that achieves a new level of confidentiality with his readers, giving us the previously unseen portrait of his extraordinary world"--Provided by publisher.
個人件名 Amis, Martin
形式件名細目 Fiction.
一般件名 Authors -- Fiction.
FICTION / Literary.
資料情報1 『Inside story : a novel /』First American edition. by Martin Amis. Alfred A. Knopf, 2020. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/933.7/A51/I2  資料コード:7114311993)