Enric Sala. -- National Geographic, -- [2020], --


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中央 2F 一般洋図書 F/519.8/S15/N 7114323920 配架図 Digital BookShelf
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ISBN 1426221010 (hardcover)
ISBN13桁 9781426221019 (hardcover)
無効なISBN等 9781426221026 (electronic book)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 519.8
個人著者標目 Sala, Enric.
本タイトル The nature of nature :
タイトル関連情報 why we need the wild /
著者名 Enric Sala.
出版地・頒布地 Washington, D.C. :
出版者・頒布者名 National Geographic,
出版年・頒布年 [2020],
数量 255 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates :
他の形態的事項 color illustrations ;
大きさ 24 cm.
一般注記 "Foreword by HRH the Prince of Wales ; introduction by Edward O. Wilson."--Jacket.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references (pages 241-250) and index.
内容注記 Re-creating nature -- What's an ecosystem? -- The smallest ecosystem -- Succession -- Boundaries -- Are all species equal? -- The biosphere -- How are we different? -- Diversity is good -- Protected areas -- Rewilding -- The moral imperative -- The economics of nature -- Why we need the wild -- Epilogue: The nature of coronavirus.
要約、抄録、注釈等 "The Nature of Nature explores how the natural world works, outlines the consequences of its unraveling by our activities, and offers practical solutions-with a description of societal and economic benefits. The first ten chapters of this book are a step-by-step crash course in ecology-you might call it "ecology for people in a hurry": what species do, how they co-exist, and how the natural world self-assembles and works, compared to our human-built environment-with ideas on how to run our society and economy more efficiently. Chapter 11 discusses the moral case for the conservation of life on Earth, because utility cannot be the only lens through which we see the world. In other words: Do other creatures have a right to exist, and why? And finally, Chapter 12 explains why it makes more economic sense to protect more of the natural world than to degrade it. By talking to the brain and the heart, and at the same time reaching into the pocket, this book illuminates an inner appreciation for all life on Earth, instills a greater sense of humility, and helps us understand why we need a world with wild places"--Provided by publisher.
著者標目 Charles, Prince of Wales, 1948-
Wilson, Edward O.
一般件名 Human ecology.
Biotic communities.
資料情報1 『The nature of nature : why we need the wild /』 Enric Sala. National Geographic, [2020], (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/519.8/S15/N  資料コード:7114323920)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352049829