James Whiteside ; [illustrated by Teddy O'Connor]. -- Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC, -- [2021], --


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中央 3階B 一般洋図書 F/769.9/W59/C 7114786421 配架図 Digital BookShelf
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ISBN 0593297830 (hardcover)
ISBN13桁 9780593297834 (hardcover)
無効なISBN等 9780593297841 (electronic book)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 769.953
個人著者標目 Whiteside, James.
本タイトル Center center :
タイトル関連情報 a funny, sexy, sad almost-memoir of a boy in ballet /
著者名 James Whiteside ; [illustrated by Teddy O'Connor].
出版地・頒布地 [New York] :
出版者・頒布者名 Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC,
出版年・頒布年 [2021],
数量 241 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations ;
大きさ 24 cm
一般注記 Illustrator information from title page verso.
内容注記 Letter to the reader -- Getting your dream job is as easy as ABT -- JbDubs & Ühu Betch -- Nancy -- How I met Jesus Christ on Grindr -- Coming out in Y2K -- A boom box and a box cutter -- Dick college -- All my pets are dead -- Al -- Stranded in Casablanca -- Loathe, revile, abhor, detest! -- The tenant: a near-death experience -- Why not?
要約、抄録、注釈等 "A daring, hilarious, and inspiring memoir-in-essays about dance, queerness, and creativity from the American Ballet Theatre principal dancer, drag queen, and pop star who's redefining what it means to be a man in ballet"--Provided by publisher.,There's a mark on every stage around the world that signifies the center of its depth and width: it is called "center center." Whiteside has dreamed of standing on that very mark as a principal dancer with the prestigious American Ballet Theatre ever since he was a twelve-year-old blown away by watching the company's spring gala. Here he tells us the story of how he got to be a primo ballerino, as well as tales of the two alter egos he created to subvert the strict classical rigor of ballet: JbDubs, an out-and-proud pop musician, and Ühu Betch, an over-the-top drag queen named after Yoohoo chocolate milk. The result is a raunchy, curious, and unapologetic celebration of queerness, self-expression, friendship, sex, creativity, and pushing boundaries that will entertain you, shock you, inspire you... and maybe even make you cry.--Adapted from jacket.
個人件名 Whiteside, James.
著者標目 O'Connor, Teddy.
団体件名 American Ballet Theatre.
American Ballet Theatre.
一般件名 Ballet dancers -- United States -- Biography.
Male dancers -- United States -- Biography.
地名件名 United States.
資料情報1 『Center center : a funny, sexy, sad almost-memoir of a boy in ballet /』 James Whiteside ; [illustrated by Teddy O'Connor]. Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC, [2021], (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/769.9/W59/C  資料コード:7114786421)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352052489