edited by Richard Lansdown. -- Oxford University Press, -- 2019, -- First edition.


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ISBN 0198816561 (hardback)
ISBN13桁 9780198816560 (hardback)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 930.26
個人著者標目 Ruskin, John,
生没年等 1819-1900,
統一タイトル Works.
本タイトル John Ruskin /
著者名 edited by Richard Lansdown.
版表示 First edition.
出版地・頒布地 Oxford :
出版者・頒布者名 Oxford University Press,
出版年・頒布年 2019,
数量 liii, 464 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations ;
大きさ 23 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references (pages [459]-462) and index.
内容注記 Introduction -- Chronology -- The text and the selection -- Ruskin's artists and architects: a catalogue -- From The poetry of architecture; or The architecture of the nations of Europe considered in its association with natural scenery and national character (1837): chapter 6, 'The cottage- concluding remarks' -- 'Remarks on the present state of meteorological science' (1839) -- From Modern painters, volume I, part II: Of truth (1843), section ii, 'Of general truths'; chapter 2, 'Of truth of colour' ; section iv, 'Of truth of Earth'; chapter 4, 'Of the foreground' -- From Modern painters, volume II, part III: Of ideas of beauty (1846): section i, 'Of the theoretic faculty'; chapter 1, 'Of the rank and relations of the theoretic faculty'; section 2, 'Of the theoretic faculty as concerned with pleasures of sense' -- From The stones of Venice, volume I: The foundations (1851); chapter 1, 'The quarry'; chapter 30, 'The vestibule' -- The pre-Raphaelite artists: to the editor of the Times, 13 May 1851 -- From The stones of Venice, volume II: The sea-stories (1853); chapter 4, St Mark's'; chapter 6, 'The nature of Gothic' -- From The stones of Venice, volume III: The fall (1853); chapter 1, 'Early Renaissance'; chapter 2, 'Roman Renaissance'; chapter 4, 'Conclusion' -- The light of the world: to the editor of the Times, 5 May 1854 -- From Lecture on architecture and painting: delivered at Edinburgh in November 1853 (1854): Lecture I, 'Architecture' -- The opening of the Crystal Palace, considered in some of its relations to the prospects of art (1854) -- From Modern painters, volume III, part IV: Of many things (1856); chapter 4, 'Of the false ideal: first, religious'; chapter 12, 'Of the pathetic fallacy' -- From Modern painters, volume IV, part V: Of mountain beauty (1856); chapter 1, 'Of the Turnerian picturesque'; chapter 19, 'The mountain gloom' -- From The harbours of England (1856): chapter I -- From Notes on the Royal Academy (1856): The scapegoat, William Holman Hunt -- From Notes on the Royal Academy (1857): A dream of the past, John Everett Millais -- From The elements of drawing (1857): letter 3, 'On colour and composition' [Turner's Heysham] -- From Notes on the Turner Gallery at Marlborough House (1857): Appendix -- From Notes on the Royal Academy (1859): Water-colour societies -- From The two paths: lectures on art and its application to decoration and manufacture (1859); lecture 3, 'Modern manufacture and design'; lecture 5, 'The work of iron, in nature, art, and policy' -- From Modern painters, volume V, part IX: Of ideas of relation (1860): section ii, 'Of invention spiritual'; chapter 2, 'The lance of Pallas'; chapter 9, 'The two boyhoods'; chapter 11, 'The Hesperid Æglé'; chapter 12, 'Peace' --From Essays of political economy (1862): part 3, 'Labour and trade: the disease of desire' -- From The cestus of Aglaia (1865): chapter 4, 'Haste' -- From Sesame and lilies: two lectures delivered at Manchester in 1864 (1865); lecture 1, 'Of kings' treasures'; lecture 2, 'Of queens' gardens' -- From The ethics of the dust: ten lectures to little housewives on the elements of crystallisation (1865): lecture 6, 'Crystal quarrels' -- From The crown of wild olives: three lectures on work, traffic, and war (1866): lecture 2, 'Traffic' -- From Time and tide, by weare and tyne: twenty-five letters to a working man of Sunderland on the laws of work (1867); letter 7, 'Of the various expressions of national festivity'; letter 8, 'The four possible theories respecting the authority of the Bible'; letter 9, 'The use of music and dancing under the Jewish theocracy, compared with their use by the modern French'; letter 10, 'The meaning and actual operation of satanic or demoniacal influence'; letter 11, 'The satanic power is mainly twofold: the power of causing falsehood and the power of causing pain. The resistance is by law of honour and law of delight' -- The flamboyant architecture of the Valley of the Somme (1869) -- From The queen of the air, being a study of the Greek myths of cloud and storm (1869): lecture 2, 'Athena Keramitis' -- From Fors clavigera: letters to the workmen and labourers of Great Britain; letter 5, 'The white-thorn blossom' (1871); letter 11, 'The abbot's chapel' (1871); letter 20, 'Benediction' (1872) -- From Love's meinie: lectures on Greek and Englsih birds (1873); lecture 2, 'The swallow'; lecture 3, 'The chough' -- From Val d'Arno: ten lectures on the Tuscan art directly antecedent to the Florentine year of victories (1873): lecture 2, 'John the Pisan' -- From Fors clavigera; letter 37, 'The city which is our own' (1874); letter 41, 'Bernard the happy' (1874); letter 69, 'The message of Jael-Atropos' (1876) -- 'The extension of railways in the Lake District: a protest' (1876) -- From St. Mark's rest: the history of Venice for the help of those few travellers who still care for her monuments (1877): first supplement, 'The shrine of the slaves' -- From 'General statement explaining the nature and purposes of St George's Guild' (1882) -- From Our fathers have told us: sketches of the history of Christendom for boys and girls who have been held at its fonts (1882): part I, The Bible of Amiens: chapter 3, 'The lion tamer' -- From The storm-cloud of the nineteenth century (1884): lecture 2 -- From The pleasures of England: lectures given in Oxford (1884): lecture 5, 'Protestantism: the pleasures of truth' -- From Praeterita: outlines of scenes and thoughts perhaps worthy of memory in my past life, volume I (1885): chapter 7, 'Papa and Mamma' -- From 'The Guild of St George: master's report' (1886) -- From Praeterita, volume II (1887); chapter 5, 'The Simplon'; chapter 6, 'The Campo Santo' -- Appendix: Contents: a synoptic schedule.
要約、抄録、注釈等 This volume in the 21st Century Oxford Authors series offers students an authoritative, comprehensive selection of the work of John Ruskin (1819-1900). The edition represents Ruskin's extraordinary literary output, ranging from lectures, essays, and treatises to reviews, correspondence, and critical notes. Ruskin has been called 'the most powerful and original thinker of the nineteenth century' and yet, like his two fellow Victorian sages, Thomas Carlyle and Matthew Arnold, his work remains obscure to modern readers. This anthology hopes to remedy this situation by presenting the immense range of Ruskin's interests, from art to politics, museology to ornithology, architecture to geology, and morals to economics-all of which interests were indivisible in his view. Here are rapturous accounts of Turner, the Alps, Renaissance painters, and Gothic architecture; but here, too, are urgently dystopian analyses of the modern culture that we continue to inhabit: vacuousness in communication, callousness in labour relations, amoral sophistication in art, and rationalism in all its various delusory forms in politics, society, and the economy.
個人件名 Ruskin, John,
生没年等 1819-1900.
著作のタイトル Works.
著者標目 Lansdown, Richard, 1961-
統一タイトル(シリーズ副出標目) 21st-century Oxford authors.
シリーズ名・巻次 21st century oxford authors 
資料情報1 『John Ruskin /』(21st century oxford authors)First edition. edited by Richard Lansdown. Oxford University Press, 2019, (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/930.2/R95/J  資料コード:7114966653)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352053502