Emilija Manić, Vladimir Nikitović, Predrag Djurović, editors. -- Springer, -- [2022], --


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ISBN 303074700X (hardcover)
ISBN13桁 9783030747008 (hardcover)
無効なISBN等 9783030747015 (electronic book)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 293.931
本タイトル The geography of Serbia :
タイトル関連情報 nature, people, economy /
著者名 Emilija Manić, Vladimir Nikitović, Predrag Djurović, editors.
出版地・頒布地 Cham, Switzerland :
出版者・頒布者名 Springer,
出版年・頒布年 [2022],
数量 xvi, 317 pages :
他の形態的事項 color illustrations, color maps ;
大きさ 29 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references and index.
内容注記 Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Part I: Historical and Geopolitical Context (edited by Emilija Manić and Vladimir Nikitović) -- Chapter 1. Geographical Position of Serbia (Milutin Tadić, Emilija Manić) -- Chapter 2. Prehistory of Serbia: A Brief overview (Dǔsan Mihailović, Dragana Antonović, Aleksandar Kapuran) -- Chapter 3. Serbia: A Historical Survey (Radmila Pejić, Sofija Petković, Dejan Radǐcević) -- Chapter 4. Political Geography of Serbia: Territorial Organization and Government (Neboǰsa Vuković) -- Part II: Physical Geography (edited by Predrag Djurović) -- Chapter 5. Climate of Serbia (Bǒsko Milovanović, Gorica Stanojević, Milan Radovanović) -- Chapter 6. Hydrological Characteristics of Serbia (Marko Urǒsev, Ana Milanović Pěsić, Jelena Kovǎcević-Majkić, Dragoljub ̌Strbac) -- Chapter 7. Geomorphological Characteristics of Serbia (Predrag Djurović) -- Chapter 8. Biogeographical Characteristics of the Territory of Serbia: Richness and Spatial Distribution of Biodiversity, Endemism and Biogeographical Regionalization (Vladimir B. Stevanović) -- Chapter 9. Geohazards and Geoheritage (Ivan Novković, Slavoljub Dragićević, Mirela Djurović) -- Part III: Demography (edited by Vladimir Nikitović) -- Chapter 10. Demographic Profile of Serbia at the Turn of the Millennia (Daniela Arsenović, Vladimir Nikitović) -- Chapter 11. Demographic Challenges in Serbia (Mirjana Rǎsević, Marko Galjak) -- Chapter 12. Migration and Mobility Patterns in Serbia (Vesna Lukić) -- Chapter 13. Approaching Regional Depopulation in Serbia (Vladimir Nikitović) -- Part IV: Economy (edited by Emilija Manić) -- Chapter 14. Serbian Economy-History, Transition and Present (Đorđe Mitrović) -- Chapter 15. Agriculture in Serbia (̌Zaklina Stojanović) -- Chapter 16. Natural Resources and Manufacturing Sector (Emilija Manić, Milena Lutovac) -- Chapter 17. Transport Sector in Serbia (Ivan Ratkaj) -- Chapter 18. Services: Finance, Trade and Tourism (Svetlana Popović, Dragan Stojković, Radmila Jovanović) -- Chapter 19. Serbia Internationally: International Trade and Integrations (Predrag Bjelić, Ivana Popović Petrović). Part V: Regional Development and Specificities (edited by Vladimir Nikitović and Emilija Manić) -- Chapter 20. Environmental Issues in Serbia: The Pollution and Nature Conservation (Vladimir Stojanović, Milana Pantelić, Stevan Savić) -- Chapter 21. Development Challenges Faced by Cities in Serbia (Nikola Krunić, Aleksandra Gajić, Dragutin Tǒsić) -- Chapter 22. Rural Areas and Rural Economy in Serbia (Marija Drobnjaković, ̌Zaklina Stojanović, Sonja Josipović) -- Chapter 23. Regional Disparities in Serbia (Dejan Molnar) -- Index.
要約、抄録、注釈等 The book offers a comprehensive regional geography synthesis of the most important physical and human spatial processes that shaped Serbia and led to many interesting regional issues, not only to Serbia but to the Balkans and Europe. The book provides an overall view on the Serbian physical environment, its population and economy. It also highlights important regional issues such as regional disparities and depopulation, sustainable development and ecological issues and rural economy in the context of rural area development, which have been shaped by different political and historical processes. This highly illustrated book provides interesting and informative insights into Serbia and its context within the Balkans and Europe. It appeals to scientists and students as well as travelers and general readers interested in this region.
著者標目 Manić, Emilija.
Nikitović, Vladimir.
Đurović, Predrag.
統一タイトル(シリーズ副出標目) World regional geography book series.
シリーズ名・巻次 World regional geography book series, 
一般件名 Geography.
地名件名 Serbia -- Geography.
資料情報1 『The geography of Serbia : nature, people, economy /』(World regional geography book series,) Emilija Manić, Vladimir Nikitović, Predrag Djurović, editors. Springer, [2022], (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:DF/293.9/G34/G3  資料コード:7115440832)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352054317