introduced by Richard I. Vane-Wright, entomologist & taxonomist ; in partnership with Oxford University Museum of Natural History. -- University of California Press, -- 2021, --


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ISBN 0520386507 (hardback)
ISBN13桁 9780520386501 (hardback)
テキストの言語 英語  ラテン語                
分類:NDC10版 486.8
本タイトル Iconotypes :
タイトル関連情報 a compendium of butterflies & moths or : Jones's Icones complete : an enhanced facsimile /
著者名 introduced by Richard I. Vane-Wright, entomologist & taxonomist ; in partnership with Oxford University Museum of Natural History.
その他のタイトル Jones's Icones complete
出版地・頒布地 Oakland, California :
出版者・頒布者名 University of California Press,
出版年・頒布年 2021,
数量 687 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations (primarily color), color facsimiles, color maps ;
大きさ 26 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references (pages 676-680) and indexes.
内容注記 William Jones & the birth of the Icones / Paul Smith -- Map-Distribution of the species represented in Icones in Europe / Richard I. Vane-Wright -- Article 1 The early study of Lepidoptera / Richard I. Vane-Wright -- Map-Distribution of the species represented in Icones in North and Central America / Alberto Zilli -- Map-Distribution of the species represented in Icones in South America / Alberto Zilli -- Article 2 A flourishing of lepidopterological activity / Alberto Zilli -- Map-Distribution of the species represented in Icones in Asia / Alberto Zilli -- Article 3 CollectingLepidoptera in the 18th Myth centuries / Alberto Zilli -- Map-Distribution of the species represented in Icones in Africa / Arlene Leis -- Article 4 The art of painting butterflies / Arlene Leis -- Map-Distribution of the species represented in Icones in Australasia / Stefanie Jovanovic-Kruspel -- Article 5 The decline of Lepidoptera around the globe / Stefanie Jovanovic-Kruspel.
要約、抄録、注釈等 Jones's 'Icones' contains finely delineated paintings of more than 760 species of Lepidoptera, many of which it described for the first time, marking a critical moment in the study of natural history. With Iconotypes Jones's seminal work is published for the first time, accompanied by expert commentary and contextual essays, and featuring annotated maps showing the location of each species. Jones painted the species between the early 1780s and 1800, drawing from his own collection and the collections of Joseph Banks, Dru Drury, Sir James Edward Smith, John Francillon, the British Museum and the Linnean Society. For every specimen painting he provided a species name, the collection from which it was taken and the geographical location in which it was found. In 1787, during a visit to London, the Danish scientist Johann Christian Fabricius studied Jones's paintings and based 231 species of butterfly and moths on them. In this enhanced facsimile, Jones's references to historic references are clarified and modern taxonomic names are provided, together with notes on which paintings serve as iconotypes. Contextual commentary by specialist entomologist Richard I. Vane-Wright gives an account of Jones's life and his motivation for collecting butterflies and creating the Icones, and evaluates the significance of his work. Interspersed at intervals between the pages of Jones's paintings are modern maps showing the location of each species painted, and expert essays on the development of lepidoptery and taxonomy after Linneaus, and the roles of collectors and natural history artists from the late 1700s to mid-1800s.,"Between the early 1780s and 1810, Jones, a wine merchant, painted in painstaking detail hundreds of species of Lepidoptera, drawing from his own collection and the collections of prominent amateur naturalists. For every specimen, Jones included the known species name, the collection, and the geographical location in which it was found. In this enhanced facsimile, Jones's historical references are clarified and modern taxonomic names are provided together with notes on which paintings serve as iconotypes. Contextual commentary by specialist entomologist Richard I. Vane-Wright gives an account of Jones's life, his motivation for collecting butterflies and creating the Icones, and evaluates the significance of Jones's work. This lavish volume intersperses contemporary maps showing the locations of each specimen, expert essays on the study of lepidoptery since Ancient Egyptian times, the development of taxonomy after Linnaeus, the roles of collectors and natural history artists during the late 1700s to mid-1800s, and the steep decline of butterflies and moths over the last fifty years. Iconotypes is a beautiful collector's object for fans of natural history and illustrations of butterflies and moths, as well as artists, designers, and bibliophiles."-- Publisher website.
言語注記 English, with original notations in Latin.
個人件名 Jones, William
生没年等 1745-1818.
著作のタイトル Icones.
著者標目 Jones, William 1745-1818,
Vane-Wright, Richard Irwin.
著作のタイトル Icones.
団体名(副出標目) Oxford University Museum of Natural History.
一般件名 Butterflies -- Pictorial works.
Moths -- Pictorial works.
資料情報1 『Iconotypes : a compendium of butterflies & moths or : Jones's Icones complete : an enhanced facsimile /』 introduced by Richard I. Vane-Wright, entomologist & taxonomist ; in partnership with Oxford University Museum of Natural History. University of California Press, 2021, (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:RF/486.8/J79/I  資料コード:7115553362)