edited by Anita Helle, Amanda Golden, & Maeve O'Brien. -- Bloomsbury Academic, -- 2022, --


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ISBN 1350119229 (hardcover)
ISBN13桁 9781350119222 (hardcover)
無効なISBN等 9781350119239 (electronic publication)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 931.7
本タイトル The Bloomsbury handbook to Sylvia Plath /
著者名 edited by Anita Helle, Amanda Golden, & Maeve O'Brien.
出版地・頒布地 London ;
出版者・頒布者名 Bloomsbury Academic,
出版年・頒布年 2022,
数量 xv, 368 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations ;
大きさ 25 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references (pages [316]-339) and index.
内容注記 Introduction: approaching Sylvia Plath in the twenty-first century / Anita Helle -- Part 1: new cultural and historical contexts -- Plath as punch line / Jonathan Ellis -- "Get bathrobe and slippers and nightgown and work on femininity": Sylvia Plath, self-identity, and sleepwear / Rebecca C. Tuite -- Psychiatric disability and asylum fiction: from The Snake Pit to The Bell Jar / Elizabeth J. Donaldson -- Sylvia Plath's Cambridge / Di Beddow -- Plath in space: feeling the chill of the void / Tim Hancock -- Spectral traces, places, and Sylvia Plath / Gail Crowther -- <maniacs.> of the heterotopia: citizen critics and marginalia in library copies of Sylvia Plath / Christine Walde -- "God's lioness" and God's "negress": the feminine and the figure of the African American in Plath / Jerome Ellison Murphy -- Centering whiteness: Sylvia Plath's literary apprenticeship / Maeve O'Brien -- The child reading: female stereotypes and social authority in Sylvia Plath's children's stories / Lissa Athanasiou-Krikelis -- Lucent figs and suave veal chops: Sylvia Plath and food / Lynda K. Bundtzen -- Part 2: affiliations, influences, and intertextualities -- Sylvia Plath's Greek tragedy / Holly Ranger -- "Yeats I like very very much": Sylvia Plath and W. B. Yeats / Gillian Groszewski -- The law of similarity and the law of contact: Sylvia Plath, Ted Hughes, and sympathetic magic / Katherine Robinson -- "I am a miner": long poems and literary succession in Ariel and Crow / Jennifer Ryan-Bryant -- "Not Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Sillitoe": Sylvia Plath and Ruth Fainlight in the 1960s / Heather Clark -- Beelines: reading Plath through Edith Sitwell and Carol Ann Duffy / Marsha Bryant -- Medusa's metadata: Aurelia Plath's Gregg shorthand annotations / Catherine Rankovic -- "I may hate her, but that's not all": mother-daughter intimacy in the Plath archive / Janet Badia - Part 3: media and pedagogy -- Plath and media culture / Nicola Presley -- "I imagine that a man might not praise it as much": reception of "Three Women" and Plath's BBC-recorded poetry / Carrie Smith -- Sylvia Plath's "Three Women": producing a poetics of listening at the BBC / Nerys Williams -- Sylvia Plath's "The Jailor" as radical feminist text / Bethany Hicok -- Archival pedagogy: curating Edna O'Brien's Sylvia Plath television play / Amanda Golden -- Feminist recovery, service learning, and community engagement in a Sylvia Plath studies undergraduate seminar / Julie Goodspeed-Chadwick -- Part 4: editing the archives -- Sylvia Plath in the round / Karen V. Kukil -- "They will come asking for our letters": Editing The Letters of Sylvia Plath / Peter K. Steinberg.
要約、抄録、注釈等 "Sylvia Plath is one of the most widely recognized and inspiring poets of the 20th century. With chapters written by more than 25 leading and emerging international scholars this is the most up-to-date and in-depth reference guide to 21st century scholarship on her life and work. The Bloomsbury Handbook to Sylvia Plath covers the full range of contemporary scholarship on Plath's work, including such topics as: ̈New insights from the publication of Plath's letters; ̈Current scholarly perspectives: feminist and gender studies, race, medical humanities and ecocriticism; ̈Plath's poetry, the major novel, The Bell Jar , and Plath's writing for children; ̈Plath's literary contexts, from Ovid and Robert Lowell to Ted Hughes, Doris Lessing and Stevie Smith; ̈Plath's broadcasting work for the BBC. The book also includes a substantial annotated bibliography of key primary and secondary writing by and on the author." -- Provided by publisher.
個人件名 Plath, Sylvia
一般件名細目 Criticism and interpretation.
著者標目 Helle, Anita Plath, 1948-
Golden, Amanda, 1979-
O'Brien, Maeve (Health care researcher)
統一タイトル(シリーズ副出標目) Bloomsbury handbooks.
シリーズ名・巻次 Bloomsbury handbook 
資料情報1 『The Bloomsbury handbook to Sylvia Plath /』(Bloomsbury handbook) edited by Anita Helle, Amanda Golden, & Maeve O'Brien. Bloomsbury Academic, 2022, (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/931.7/P71/B  資料コード:7116956100)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352061913