Andrew Chevallier, FNIMH. -- Dorling Kindersley Publishing, -- 2023. -- Fourth edition, revised and expanded


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ISBN 0241593379
ISBN13桁 9780241593370
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 499.87
個人著者標目 Chevallier, Andrew,
本タイトル Encyclopedia of herbal medicine /
著者名 Andrew Chevallier, FNIMH.
その他のタイトル 560 herbs and remedies for common ailments
版表示 Fourth edition, revised and expanded
出版地・頒布地 London, UK :
出版者・頒布者名 Dorling Kindersley Publishing,
出版年・頒布年 2023.
数量 351 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations (chiefly color) ;
大きさ 29 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references (page 334) and indexes.
内容注記 The development of herbal medicine -- Key medicinal plants -- Other medicinal plants -- Herbal remedies for home use.
要約、抄録、注釈等 "In recent years, more people than ever have turned to natural remedies for general health and wellbeing, and for help with ailments, from the common cold to arthritis. This comprehensive book of expert advice teaches you how to grow your own herbs, harvest plants from the wild, and process ingredients to create your own cabinet of natural remedies, all with safety in mind. In this updated, expanded, and fully redesigned edition of his bestselling classic, author Andrew Chevallier - a fellow and former president of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists - combines the latest scientific research with the traditional and folkloric use of the plants to give detailed information about the benefits and constituents of more than 560 herbs, from aloe vera and cardamom through to witch hazel and yarrow. Dive deep into the pages of this nature book to discover: an unrivalled and expanded range of herbs, showcasing more than 560 plants and their properties, as well as remedy lists for almost 150 ailments, from stress to skin problems; written by bestselling author Andrew Chevallier, an experienced medical herbalist and healer; combines detailed images with an accessible writing style, making herbal healing and home remedies applicable for all; updated throughout to include the latest scientific research, including 11 new key herbs. Clear imagery will help you identify and distinguish between the different healing plants, while a detailed self-help section shows you how to treat more than 150 common ailments, including with practical herbal remedies you can make at home: learn how to create delicate tea infusions, strong tinctures, sweet syrups, infused oils, powdered poultices, and more"--Publisher's description.
一般件名 Materia medica, Vegetable -- Encyclopedias.
Medicinal plants -- Encyclopedias.
資料情報1 『Encyclopedia of herbal medicine /』Fourth edition, revised and expanded Andrew Chevallier, FNIMH. Dorling Kindersley Publishing, 2023. (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:DRF/499.8/C52/E3  資料コード:7117221441)