Tomoyuki Sasaki. -- State University of New York Press, -- [2022], --


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中央 3階B 一般洋図書 F/778.2/S25/C2 7118237965 配架図 Digital BookShelf
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ISBN 1438490992 (hardcover)
ISBN13桁 9781438490991 (hardcover)
無効なISBN等 9781438491011 (electronic book)
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 778.21
個人著者標目 佐々木 知行
生没年等 1973-
本タイトル Cinema of discontent :
タイトル関連情報 representations of Japan's high-speed growth /
著者名 Tomoyuki Sasaki.
出版地・頒布地 Albany :
出版者・頒布者名 State University of New York Press,
出版年・頒布年 [2022],
数量 x, 275 pages :
他の形態的事項 illustrations, maps ;
大きさ 24 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references (pages 235-253), filmography (pages 255-260) and index.
内容注記 Introduction: Narrating high-speed growth through film -- Drifting in Tokyo: reconstruction and uneven development in Kawashima Yūzō's Susaki paradise red light (1956) -- A girl from Izu: labor migration and modern subjectivity in Masumura Yasuzō's Blue-sky girl (1957) -- Osaka, city of spies: the powerless worker in industrial society in Inoue Akira's Black weapon (1964) -- Yokohama romance: the Cold War, revolution, and Asian solidarity in Ezaki Mio's A warm misty night (1967) -- Waiting for spring in Shiretoko: a postscript to high-speed growth in Kumashiro Tatsumi's the Light of Africa (1975) -- Coda
要約、抄録、注釈等 "Uses popular films to reveal the tensions generated during Japan's postwar "economic miracle," challenging the prevailing view that it was a story of great national success"-- Provided by publisher.
統一タイトル(シリーズ副出標目) SUNY series, horizons of cinema.
シリーズ名・巻次 The SUNY series, horizons of cinema 
一般件名 History in motion pictures.
Economics in motion pictures.
地名件名 Japan -- In motion pictures.
資料情報1 『Cinema of discontent : representations of Japan's high-speed growth /』(The SUNY series, horizons of cinema) Tomoyuki Sasaki. State University of New York Press, [2022], (所蔵館:中央  請求記号:F/778.2/S25/C2  資料コード:7118237965)