周兢文 ; 兪理图. -- 江苏少年儿童出版社, -- 1997. --


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多摩 書庫 児童中国図書 C/E/S35/1 4000536901 Digital BookShelf
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ISBN [8889129875]
ISBN13桁 9788889129876
テキストの言語 英語                  
分類:NDC10版 369.4
本タイトル Championing children's rights :
タイトル関連情報 a global study of independent human rights institutions for children /
著者名 UNICEF Office of Research ; [Vanessa Sedletzki ... et al.].
出版地・頒布地 Florence, Italy :
出版者・頒布者名 UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti,
出版年・頒布年 [2013?].
数量 xii, 332 p. :
他の形態的事項 ill. (some col.), maps ;
大きさ 24 cm.
書誌注記 Includes bibliographical references (p. 329-332).
内容注記 Structure of the report -- Methodology -- 1.Independent Human Rights Institutions for Children: Standards and Frameworks -- A social contract for children -- International standards for independent human rights institutions -- 2.Independence -- The perception of independence -- Establishment processes and independence -- Financial autonomy: A key to independence in practice -- Accountability mechanisms can help preserve independence -- 3.Practical Question: How Can Institutions Withstand Threats? -- What do threats look like and how are they met? -- The role of partnerships in sustaining an institution -- Anticipating threats -- 4.Practical Question: How Should the Effectiveness of Institutions be Monitored? -- What are the challenges to monitoring an institution's work? -- What does monitoring look like in practice? -- How have external evaluations been conducted? -- How can monitoring and evaluation strengthen independent human rights institutions for children? -- 5.The Whole Child -- All rights: The indivisibility of child rights -- All settings: Enabling environments that nurture child rights -- All children: A holistic approach and tailored strategies -- All actors: Building bridges for greater realization of children's rights -- 6.Practical Question: What Structure Should an Institution Take? -- Possible structures -- Influences on an institution's structure -- Stand-alone or integrated? -- Merging existing institutions -- 7.Child Participation. -- Children's participation in the work of the institution -- Accessibility to children -- Promoting child participation in society -- 8.Practical Question: How Do Independent Human Rights Institutions for Children Get to Where Children Are? -- National institutions that perform some activities at the local level -- National institutions that have branch offices at the local level -- National institutions that coexist with autonomous institutions at the sub- national level -- Autonomous independent institutions that coexist at the provincial, regional or municipal levels -- 9.Complaint Mechanisms -- Receiving complaints: Scope and jurisdiction -- Who can submit complaints? -- How are complaints filed? -- Responding to complaints -- The complaint mechanism as an opportunity to strengthen independent institutions and further children's rights -- 10.Independent Human Rights Institutions for Children in the National Institutional Landscape -- Government coordinating mechanisms -- Parliament -- Non-governmental organizations -- Courts -- Observatories -- 11.Practical Question: How Is an Independent Human Rights Institution for Children Established? -- Examples of establishment processes -- What lessons can be drawn from past experiences of establishment processes? -- Getting going -- 12.International Networking and Advocacy -- The value of networking -- A channel for regional and international advocacy -- Limits and challenges of networking -- 13.Engaging with International Monitoring Mechanisms -- International monitoring mechanisms -- Follow-up and implementation of treaty body concluding observations -- The impact of involvement with the Committee on the Rights of the Child -- Looking to the future: The Convention on the Rights of the Child communications procedure -- 14.Conclusions and Recommendations -- Introduction -- A global overview -- A region-by-region overview -- 15.Sub-Saharan Africa -- Origins of independent human rights institutions for children in the region -- The main characteristics of independent human rights institutions for children in the region -- Competencies -- Child participation -- Networking -- Looking forward: Challenges and opportunities -- 16.Asia and the Pacific -- Origins of independent human rights institutions for children in the region -- The main characteristics of independent human rights institutions for children in the region -- Competencies -- Child participation -- Networking -- Looking forward: Challenges and opportunities -- 17.Europe -- Origins of independent human rights institutions for children in the region -- The main characteristics of independent human rights institutions for children in the region -- Competencies -- Child participation -- Networking -- Looking forward: Challenges and opportunities -- 18.Latin America and the Caribbean -- Origins of independent human rights institutions for children in the region -- The main characteristics of independent human rights institutions for children in the region -- Competencies -- Child participation -- Networking -- Looking forward: Challenges and opportunities -- 19.Middle East and North Africa -- Origins of independent human rights institutions for children in the region -- Activities of independent human rights institutions in the region in relation to children's rights -- Child participation -- Networking -- Looking forward: Challenges and opportunities -- 20.Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America -- Origins of independent human rights institutions for children in the four countries -- The main characteristics of independent human rights institutions for children in the four countries -- Competencies -- Child participation -- Networking -- Looking forward: Challenges and opportunities.
一般件名 Children's rights.
著者標目 Sedletzki, Vanessa.
団体名(副出標目) UNICEF.
下部機関名 Office of Research.
資料情報1 『两颗花籽找新家 / 』(幼儿相对关系概念故事) 周兢文 ; 兪理图. 江苏少年儿童出版社, 1997. (所蔵館:多摩  請求記号:C/E/S35/1  資料コード:4000536901)
URL https://catalog.library.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?lang=ja&bibid=1352012089